Breaking Ground: Willingboro MUA Launches First-of-Its-Kind Pre-Apprenticeship Program for High School Students

The Willingboro Municipal Utilities Authority (WMUA) is making history this February with the launch of its Pre-Apprenticeship Program at Willingboro High School. Designed specifically for students aged 13 to 18, this innovative initiative is the first program in the country to work directly with high school students, preparing them for meaningful careers in the diversity… Continue reading Breaking Ground: Willingboro MUA Launches First-of-Its-Kind Pre-Apprenticeship Program for High School Students


Water Professionals, Community Advocates, Policymakers, and Industry Leaders Connect

The Tenth Annual Jersey Water Works conference, a gathering of over 200 water professionals, community advocates, and policymakers from diverse backgrounds and regions of New Jersey, took place on December 13, 2024, at The College of New Jersey. The event marked a decade of progress in water management, fostering discussions on key issues and opportunities… Continue reading Water Professionals, Community Advocates, Policymakers, and Industry Leaders Connect


Strengthening the Water Workforce via Internships and Pre-apprenticeship Programs: Insights and Resources

“These people [water and wastewater treatment workers] touch the health of every single person in the community… [and] are vital to the health and vibrancy of our schools, businesses, and everything that happens in our communities,” said Tonya Bronleewe, Director of Environmental Finance Center at Wichita State University, when she explained how she broaches the… Continue reading Strengthening the Water Workforce via Internships and Pre-apprenticeship Programs: Insights and Resources


Much-needed workers: HCCC graduates 2nd class from Water Workforce Utility Program

Photo courtesy of Abou Traore and Hudson County Community College. A program that aimed at introducing Hudson County Community College students to the water sector — as well as preparing them to enter employment opportunities, internships and the New Jersey Water and Wastewater Systems Operations Apprenticeship Program — recently had its second graduation ceremony. Earlier this month,… Continue reading Much-needed workers: HCCC graduates 2nd class from Water Workforce Utility Program


Emerging Water Leaders of Color Leadership Circle: A Conversation Between the Facilitators

“We are simply passing it forward.” Join Nicole Brown and Aisha Niang, experienced engineers in the water sector, in a new initiative called, Emerging Leaders of Color Leadership Circle in New Jersey. Learn more about the project here: This video was edited by Poline Toure, JWW Communications & Events Intern.

Emerging Water Leaders: Leadership Circle in New Jersey – Case Study

Photo courtesy of Canva / New Jersey Future. In 2023, New Jersey Future, in collaboration with Jersey Water Works (JWW), successfully facilitated the Emerging Water Leaders of Color Leadership Circle pilot program with funding from Spring Point Partners. The program invests in the next generation of water leaders and supports the goal of retaining diverse talent… Continue reading Emerging Water Leaders: Leadership Circle in New Jersey – Case Study

New Jersey Water Workforce Training Program Inventory (2024 Update)

The purpose of this inventory is to bring visibility to the multiple opportunities available for individuals living in New Jersey to pursue a career in the water industry. The list of training programs provided can help individuals find opportunities to begin or further their career path in the field. Additionally, utilities and other training providers… Continue reading New Jersey Water Workforce Training Program Inventory (2024 Update)

Educational Resources For Inside and Outside of School (Updated for World Water Day 2024)

Group of kids in preschool.

How do we cultivate the next generation of water stewards? By introducing them to water and climate topics from kindergarten through twelfth grade.  Here is a short list of resources for educators to integrate these important topics into their curriculum.  This list was compiled by the Jersey Water Works Water Workforce Task Force to foster… Continue reading Educational Resources For Inside and Outside of School (Updated for World Water Day 2024)

Toward a Strong and Equitable Water Workforce

The water utility sector has a transformational, equity-building opportunity: the composition and capability of its future workforce. This report identifies three strategies and nine initiatives to address both the quantity and equity challenges in the nation’s water utility workforce. Read the full report here.
