Rain Gardens: A Simple Way to Do Your Part – Facilitator’s Guide

New Facilitator’s Guide for GI Champions: Rain Garden: A Simple Way to Do Your Part presentation available on the Rutgers Green Infrastructure Champions program website. Rain gardens are just one of many green infrastructure practices that can help municipalities manage stormwater.

Green Infrastructure & Climate Change Fact Sheets

The Green Infrastructure Committee created four fact sheets to help expand your knowledge on green infrastructure and share with your community. Green infrastructure has an important relationship to climate change, public health, and equity. 

Comments on NJDEP’s Proposed Inland Flood Protection Rule

Closeup of high water flooding on neighborhood street.

Comments on NJDEP’s Proposed Inland Flood Protection Rule Submitted on behalf of the Jersey Water Works Climate Resilience Committee and Green Infrastructure Committee on February 2, 2023 Climate Change Precipitation Totals for Design Storms Choice of Projection and Data Adjustments: We agree with the incorporation of the following into permit requirements: updated precipitation projections for… Continue reading Comments on NJDEP’s Proposed Inland Flood Protection Rule


Brochure on How to Develop and Implement Green Infrastructure Maintenance Strategy

Rain garden in Berkeley Heights, NJ, featuring Joe Pye weed and cone flowers in bloom. Photo credit: R. Leister. The Municipal Engagement subcommittee of the Jersey Water Works Green Infrastructure Committee, created a brochure to help municipalities and schools implement and maintain green infrastructure (GI) projects. This resource highlights success stories along with advice and… Continue reading Brochure on How to Develop and Implement Green Infrastructure Maintenance Strategy

Stormwater Skills: Training Resources for Green Infrastructure Construction and Maintenance

The Green Infrastructure Committee created the green infrastructure training program inventory to inform municipalities, professionals, and others interested in green infrastructure to identify suitable training programs to fit specific needs. The ultimate goal of this inventory is to help New Jersey residents find training programs that could help them begin, or otherwise further, a career… Continue reading Stormwater Skills: Training Resources for Green Infrastructure Construction and Maintenance

Wow Your Town: Four Fact Sheets for Green Infrastructure Champions

The Green Infrastructure Committee created four fact sheets to help local advocates promote green infrastructure in their towns. Each fact sheet is unique for a specific audience in mind: general population, environmental experts, transportation specialists, or school stakeholders.