Customizable CSO Factsheets

This series of fact sheets is designed for use by residents, local organizations, and anyone else interested in educating the general public on combined sewer overflows and CSO solutions.

 Our City’s Plumbing Problem and Fixing Our Old Sewers are available in two forms: generic, which can be used in any location, and customizable, which can be tailored with an organization’s information, logo and information specific to its community. Each of the customizable versions has been translated into Spanish and Portuguese.

Instructions on how to use the customizable templates are included in the Overview document. 2015.


Our City’s Plumbing Problem:

General Use

Customizable Template

Nuestro Problema de Tuberías en la Ciudad

O Problema de Encanamento da Nossa Cidade


Fixing Our City’s Old Sewers:

General Use

Customizable Template

Arreglando en Nuestra Ciudad Viejos Alcantarillados

Consertando os Velhos Esgotos da Nossa Cidade