Drinking Water and Wastewater Infrastructure: Information on Identified Needs, Planning for Future Conditions, and Coordination of Project Funding

The U.S. Government Accountability Office was asked to review federal programs that provide funding for drinking water and wastewater infrastructure. This report describes (1) how federal agencies and selected states identify drinking water and wastewater infrastructure needs; (2) how federal agencies have supported selected states’ planning for future conditions that may affect needs; and (3) the extent to which federal and state agencies have coordinated in… Continue reading Drinking Water and Wastewater Infrastructure: Information on Identified Needs, Planning for Future Conditions, and Coordination of Project Funding

Assessing the Affordability of Water and Sewer Utility Costs in New Jersey

This report, Assessing the Affordability of Water and Sewer Utility Costs in New Jersey, reviews various methods that have been or could be used to evaluate the household affordability of drinking water and sewer utility costs in New Jersey. It provides a preliminary assessment of household financial stress using these methods, based on recent household income levels and… Continue reading Assessing the Affordability of Water and Sewer Utility Costs in New Jersey

2018 State of Stormwater Report

The 2018 State of Stormwater Report report provides a brief overview of stormwater programs in participating states. The information was compiled by National Municipal Stormwater Alliance member organizations and does not reflect any official state position on permit compliance or receiving water quality. Rather, the information provided is a snapshot of overall MS4 NPDES program… Continue reading 2018 State of Stormwater Report

A Review of New Jersey Water Bank Financing for Green Infrastructure Projects

This report issued by New Jersey Future, A Review of New Jersey Water Bank Financing for Green Infrastructure Projects, is the culmination of a year-long partnership with I-Bank and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to improve access to the program’s low-cost green infrastructure financing and continues to move the I-Bank into innovative areas of lending… Continue reading A Review of New Jersey Water Bank Financing for Green Infrastructure Projects

Green Infrastructure & Health Guide

The Green Infrastructure & Health Guide provides some general principles, best practices, and experiences about how best to use green infrastructure to promote better health equity. It is designed for use by managers, engineers, community organizations, planners, and others who are siting, designing, building, and stewarding green infrastructure in urban areas and rural towns across Canada and the United… Continue reading Green Infrastructure & Health Guide

Informing, Improving, and Expanding Water Quality and Financing through Advanced Data Management

  Over the past three decades, billions of federal, state, and local dollars have been deployed to support water infrastructure projects and other programs that reduce point and nonpoint sources of pollution to the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. The University of Maryland Environmental Finance Center examined the trends that emerged in terms of project… Continue reading Informing, Improving, and Expanding Water Quality and Financing through Advanced Data Management

Putting children first: Tackling lead in water in child care facilities

Addressing lead in water in child care facilities presents a significant opportunity to reduce lead exposure for many vulnerable children in a single location, with reasonable effort. To succeed in testing and remediating lead in water, child care facility operators, state licensing agencies, and health departments will need support from EPA, water utilities, and NSF International, as well as… Continue reading Putting children first: Tackling lead in water in child care facilities

Advancing One Water Through Arts and Culture: A Blueprint for Action

The report “Advancing One Water Through Arts and Culture” aims to help water leaders envision the various ways that arts and culture can advance One Water goals, and how they can most effectively partner with artists and cultural leaders. It catalogues more than 30 real-world examples of effective projects and artistic collaborations, complete with in-depth case studies. The blueprint presents… Continue reading Advancing One Water Through Arts and Culture: A Blueprint for Action

Menu of State Policy Options for Green Infrastructure

This document produced by the U.S. Green Building Council, Menu of State Policy Options for Green Infrastructure, is an introduction to leading policy practices to harness the benefits of green infrastructure and achieve greater sustainability outcomes through high-performing buildings and infrastructure. The resource can help state legislatures take decisive action to expand green infrastructure practices.