Note: Deadline to sign on extended to Monday, Dec. 13 COB In order to advance the shared goals of the Jersey Water Works collaborative, a letter has been drafted (see the link below) to Governor Murphy, Senate President Sweeney, and Speaker of the Assembly Coughlin urging them to allocate a significant portion of the state’s… Continue reading Allocation of American Rescue Plan Act funds for water infrastructure investments. Sign on by Dec. 9.
I’ll Have My Child Care Without the Lead, Please: New Report Identifies Ways to Eliminate the Risk of Lead in Drinking Water
Across New Jersey, an estimated 400,000 children spend part of their day in child care facilities. Although science confirms that exposure to even minor amounts of lead can permanently harm infants, toddlers, and preschoolers, the extent of lead contamination in these facilities is unknown. How well does New Jersey’s current regulatory system protect these children… Continue reading I’ll Have My Child Care Without the Lead, Please: New Report Identifies Ways to Eliminate the Risk of Lead in Drinking Water
NJ sets tougher standards for drinking water suppliers
Photo credit: New Jersey Future Governor Murphy signed into law amendments to the Water Quality Accountability Act on Nov. 9. JWW co-chair Andy Kricun, Steering Committee member Rich Calbi, and members Dan Van Abs and Chris Sturm are quoted.
Statement from Jersey Water Works Co-Chairs on Historic Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
After much anticipation, Congress has passed the historic Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. New Jersey is expected to receive $1 billion over five years to upgrade water infrastructure. This is significant news for the members of Jersey Water Works, who work together to transform water systems so they provide communities with clean water and waterways;… Continue reading Statement from Jersey Water Works Co-Chairs on Historic Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
Register today for the Dec. 8-10 Jersey Water Works conference
Join us for an informative event at the Dec. 8-10 Jersey Water Works conference with our feature keynote speaker, Colette Pichon Battle. Together, let’s seize the moment to explore solutions to urgent health and climate risks, as well as ways that every community can access much-anticipated federal funding. Register today! When: Wednesday-Friday, Dec. 8-10 Sessions… Continue reading Register today for the Dec. 8-10 Jersey Water Works conference
Op-Ed: We need to foster NJ’s next generation of utility workers
JWW Steering Committee member Tom Churchelow, President of New Jersey Utilities Association, says that as we celebrate New Jersey Careers in Utilities Week this third week of October, we as a state must do all we can to encourage the next generation of utility workers.
We Need Your Help! Utilities Called to Participate in Jersey WaterCheck’s Annual Update
Jersey WaterCheck is performing its first annual data update since its launch in March 2021. On September 20, every utility featured on the dashboard received an email with the link to a short survey, along with utility data for review. Each utility’s response to the survey, along with its reviewed data, will be featured on… Continue reading We Need Your Help! Utilities Called to Participate in Jersey WaterCheck’s Annual Update
Lead Exposure: Learning From East Trenton Residents
On August 26, 2021 a virtual Listen and Learn session on the dangers of exposure to lead in paint, water, and soil was attended by nearly 30 East Trenton residents, as well as Mayor Reed Gusciora. The question and answer exchange highlighted new areas of concern and reinforced that there is work to be done… Continue reading Lead Exposure: Learning From East Trenton Residents
Financially Healthy Utilities: Going Beyond the Price of Water and Wastewater
Jersey WaterCheck was created by Jersey Water Works (JWW) to tell the story of our state’s water and wastewater infrastructure needs. One of JWW’s shared goals is Effective and Financially Sustainable Systems. JWW aims for adequate and affordable utility operating budgets and capital investment, which will result in systems that operate efficiently and in a… Continue reading Financially Healthy Utilities: Going Beyond the Price of Water and Wastewater
A Varied Basket of Fruits: Attempting to Measure Annual Utility Expenditures on Capital Projects
Jersey WaterCheck was created by Jersey Water Works (JWW) to tell the story of our state’s water and water infrastructure needs. It blends information from publicly available data provided by government agencies, self-reported survey data from utilities and municipalities, data gathered from utility websites, and the results of a statewide public opinion survey. This has… Continue reading A Varied Basket of Fruits: Attempting to Measure Annual Utility Expenditures on Capital Projects