Photo credit: Value of Water campaign, US Water Alliance We rely on water for our survival, and we rely on the drinking water and wastewater utilities in every community to ensure that our water is managed appropriately. Furthermore, water utilities are a vital asset to communities as they impact our local economy, health, and the… Continue reading Jersey Water Works Water Workforce Taskforce is on a mission to bolster education and outreach to make water a career of choice!
Jersey Water Works’ Comments on WIIP NJDEP Intended Use Plans for use of $300 million in ARP Fund
Jersey Water Works co-chairs submitted comments to New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) to elevate the collaborative’s action agenda. The comments were sent to NJDEP on August 19. WIIP NJDEP Intended Use Plans in response to $300 million SFY2023 Comments Submitted on Behalf of the Jersey Water Works Collaborative The urgency of the water… Continue reading Jersey Water Works’ Comments on WIIP NJDEP Intended Use Plans for use of $300 million in ARP Fund
Yet another water pipe bursts in Newark, prompting frustration, concern
“New Jersey’s largest city had yet another water supply emergency on Wednesday, a week and a day after a major water main break left most of the city high and dry.”
On water, NJ faces a confluence of challenges
Photo credit: (AP Photo/Ted Shaffrey, File) Oct. 21, 2021: A utility crew places a toxic lead water pipe onto the road after extracting it from an apartment building and under the street in Newark, N.J. “Is New Jersey facing a perfect storm of challenges to its water supply? It’s tempting to think so, in light… Continue reading On water, NJ faces a confluence of challenges
Affordability of Residential Drinking Water and Sewer Utility Services
An analysis of New Jersey estimates water and sewer costs pose affordability concerns for roughly one-fifth of all households. Nationally, the residential household costs of drinking water and sewer utility services have been increasing faster than the consumer price index (inflation) and faster than median household incomes since the 1980s. What was once a minor… Continue reading Affordability of Residential Drinking Water and Sewer Utility Services
Governor’s Office August Hearings on American Rescue Plan Funding Comments Submitted on behalf of the Jersey Water Works Collaborative
Jersey Water Works co-chairs submitted comments to Governor Murphy to elevate the collaborative’s action agenda. The comments were sent to the Governor’s Office on August 5. Governor’s Office August Hearings on American Rescue Plan Funding Comments Submitted on behalf of the Jersey Water Works Collaborative August 2022 The urgency of the water-infrastructure problem in New… Continue reading Governor’s Office August Hearings on American Rescue Plan Funding Comments Submitted on behalf of the Jersey Water Works Collaborative
Critical Connections for Critical Conversations: First In-Person Jersey Water Works Membership Meeting Since 2019 a Huge Success
“The $300 million [allocated by the state for water infrastructure] is just a drop in the bucket, but we’ll make good use of that drop,” said Shawn LaTourette, commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP), in his mini-keynote address at July’s Jersey Water Works (JWW) membership meeting. “It shows that advocacy works.”… Continue reading Critical Connections for Critical Conversations: First In-Person Jersey Water Works Membership Meeting Since 2019 a Huge Success
Latest Information for the JWW Annual Membership Meeting
We are looking forward to seeing you at the Jersey Water Works Membership Meeting: Wednesday, July 13 – 11:30 a.m. Critical Connections for Critical Conversations Transforming New Jersey’s Water Infrastructure Together Kean University North Avenue Academic Building [NAAB] 1000 Morris Ave, Union, NJ 07083 (Main campus address, enter main entrance, follow road to the left)… Continue reading Latest Information for the JWW Annual Membership Meeting
Award-Winning Map Shows Water-Related Environmental Justice Issues in New Jersey
Read our guest blog post on how the NJ Water Risk and Equity Map can be used to understand water and equity issues in New Jersey. Read the Spanish translation here.
JWW Steering Committee Releases Public Statement on Strategic Direction (May 2022)
New Jersey must urgently address water quality and the need to fund updates and upgrades to our state’s water infrastructure. Building on the successes of the collaboration over the past seven years, Jersey Water Works (JWW) Steering Committee members are committed to continuing to drive change to impact New Jersey’s water infrastructure. In 2017, JWW… Continue reading JWW Steering Committee Releases Public Statement on Strategic Direction (May 2022)