The report “Advancing One Water Through Arts and Culture” aims to help water leaders envision the various ways that arts and culture can advance One Water goals, and how they can most effectively partner with artists and cultural leaders. It catalogues more than 30 real-world examples of effective projects and artistic collaborations, complete with in-depth case studies. The blueprint presents… Continue reading Advancing One Water Through Arts and Culture: A Blueprint for Action
Type: Guides & Toolkits
Mainstreaming Potable Water Reuse in the United States: Strategies for Leveling the Playing Field
This report Mainstreaming Potable Water Reuse in the United States: Strategies for Leveling the Playing Field, by the EPA , ReNEWIt and The Johnson Foundation at Wingspread, is intended to inform the broader dialogue about water reuse through a specific focus on potable reuse. The goals are to help municipalities and utilities that are considering potable… Continue reading Mainstreaming Potable Water Reuse in the United States: Strategies for Leveling the Playing Field
Working with the Market: Economic Instruments to Support Investment in Green Stormwater Infrastructure
This report, Working with the Market: Economic Instruments to Support Investment in Green Stormwater Infrastructure, will help stormwater program managers leverage market forces to drive implementation and investment in green infrastructure that meets their needs. Over the next 20 years, communities across the U.S. are likely to invest upwards of $150 billion to manage stormwater infrastructure… Continue reading Working with the Market: Economic Instruments to Support Investment in Green Stormwater Infrastructure
Storm Smart Cities: Integrating Green Infrastructure into Local Hazard Mitigation Plans
This guide, Storm Smart Cities: Integrating Green Infrastructure into Local Hazard Mitigation Plans, is a case study of Huntington, West Virginia and early efforts to consider how green infrastructure could be incorporated into local hazard mitigation plans. It follows a partnership of local, state, and federal organizations and their collaborative effort to address local flooding and… Continue reading Storm Smart Cities: Integrating Green Infrastructure into Local Hazard Mitigation Plans
Making the Utility Case for Onsite Non-potable Water Systems
The National Blue Ribbon Commission developed this report, Making the Utility Case for Onsite Non-potable Water Systems, to help water and wastewater utilities, local government agencies, and other interested stakeholders understand the benefits and drivers behind onsite non-potable reuse, how other utilities have addressed potential challenges, and best practices for the ongoing operation of these… Continue reading Making the Utility Case for Onsite Non-potable Water Systems
Step-by-Step Guide to Integrating Community Input into Green Infrastructure Projects
ELI and its partner Amigos Bravos drafted this Guide to Integrating Community Input into Green Infrastructure Projects to help local governments integrate community input into their green infrastructure projects. It sets out eight steps that local governments can take and, for each step, provides details and tips to help local governments as they move through… Continue reading Step-by-Step Guide to Integrating Community Input into Green Infrastructure Projects
MS4 Stormwater Permitting Guide
The MS4 Stormwater Permitting Guide is a tool for utility and stormwater professionals either navigating the permitting process for the first time or the expert looking to answer advanced MS4-related questions. The Guide tackles timely and relevant stormwater issues such as permit terms, the Maximum Extent Practical (MEP) standard versus water-quality standards, water quality trading in the… Continue reading MS4 Stormwater Permitting Guide
Evaluating Green Infrastructure: A Combined Sewer Overflow Control Alternative for Long Term Control Plans
The intent of this document, Evaluating Green Infrastructure: A Combined Sewer Overflow Control Alternative for Long Term Control Plans, is to provide guidance to Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) permittees within the State of New Jersey to evaluate green infrastructure (GI) as part of their Long Term Control Plans (LTCPs). LTCP implementation will be a long and expensive… Continue reading Evaluating Green Infrastructure: A Combined Sewer Overflow Control Alternative for Long Term Control Plans
Asset Management Definitions Guidebook
The Asset Management Definitions Guidebook defines terms commonly used in water utility Asset Management practice. American Water Works Association’s Asset Management Committee developed it to help improve learning, consistency, and communication in the water industry. The Committee encourages professionals throughout the industry to use the guidebook, and expects the terminology in products that the Committee sponsors (e.g., publications… Continue reading Asset Management Definitions Guidebook
Holistically Analyzing the Benefits of Green Infrastructure
This document is intended for smaller local governments with stormwater programs that are responsible for regulatory compliance with municipal separate storm sewer system obligations. It outlines an approach to holistically evaluate the benefits of implementing green infrastructure. The guidance places emphasis on first understanding the goal and scope for assessing benefits. It uses the goal… Continue reading Holistically Analyzing the Benefits of Green Infrastructure