This report, To P3 or not to P3: A water industry view on the relevance of public-private partnership delivery models, details how P3s benefit municipal utilities who don’t have the experience, capacity or confidence to deliver and maintain these assets using their existing staff and resources. Public-private partnerships (P3), while no means a panacea for infrastructure… Continue reading To P3 or not to P3: A water industry view on the relevance of public-private partnership delivery models
Type: Fact Sheets
State of Water Preparedness: A 2018 Scan of Water Preparedness and Response Infrastructure in State and Territorial Health Agencies
In spring 2018, ASTHO surveyed state and territorial directors of public health preparedness and environmental health to learn more about their protocols, tools, resources, infrastructure, and gaps related to drinking water emergency preparedness and response. Survey questions focused on how state and territorial health agencies organize their water preparedness activities and what processes they have in place to prepare… Continue reading State of Water Preparedness: A 2018 Scan of Water Preparedness and Response Infrastructure in State and Territorial Health Agencies
2018 State Asset Management Initiatives
In 2018, at the request of the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the Association of State Drinking Water Administrators, states provided updates on their asset management activities. The purpose of this document is for state agencies to learn about the various initiatives that other states are undertaking involving the promotion of asset management. The… Continue reading 2018 State Asset Management Initiatives
Funding Land Conservation Projects with the Clean Water State Revolving Fund
This fact sheet, Funding Land Conservation Projects with the Clean Water State Revolving Fund, describes opportunities to fund land conservation with the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF). The CWSRF can provide assistance for projects that result in the protection or restoration of surface water, which can include the purchase of land, leasing, fee-simple purchase,… Continue reading Funding Land Conservation Projects with the Clean Water State Revolving Fund
EPA Fact Sheet: Drinking Water State Revolving Fund
This fact sheet, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, describes the DWSRF program’s structure, including its water system and project eligibilities. It lists the multiple financial assistance mechanisms available to communities for their infrastructure and non-infrastructure water needs.
Impact of Proper Maintenance of Combined Sewer Overflow System on Flooding in the City of Camden
This fact sheet was prepared in 2017 by Jersey Water Works’ Best Practices Committee (committee later renamed). It summarizes a case study performed by CDM Smith, an engineering firm, and commissioned by the Camden County Municipal Utilities Authority. The was predicted by modeling Camden’s combined sewer system (CSS) and measuring the changes in the volume… Continue reading Impact of Proper Maintenance of Combined Sewer Overflow System on Flooding in the City of Camden
U.S. GAO Recommendations to Enhance EPA’s Oversight of Lead Rule
GAO makes three recommendations, as part of its report, “Additional Data and Statistical Analysis May Enhance EPA’s Oversight of the Lead and Copper Rule”, including for EPA to require states to report data on lead pipes and develop a statistical analysis on the likelihood of LCR violations to supplement its current oversight. EPA agreed with… Continue reading U.S. GAO Recommendations to Enhance EPA’s Oversight of Lead Rule
Stormwater Management Toolkit from America’s Rivers
American Rivers has tools available to help public utility managers communicate about and assist them in fostering public support for collecting fees to upgrade and/or maintain water infrastructure. The toolkit contains: A stormwater utility overview and technical resources A strategy for building public support for a stormwater utility Sample outreach materials (Spanish versions available) Draft press… Continue reading Stormwater Management Toolkit from America’s Rivers
Promoting the Value of Water and Water Efficiency
Resources from EPA WaterSense is a partnership program sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that promotes the value of water efficiency and water-efficient products. As a promotional partner of WaterSense, Jersey Water Works has assembled the following WaterSense resources to promote the value of water and educate on water conservation and efficiency. Below are… Continue reading Promoting the Value of Water and Water Efficiency
Lead in Our Drinking Water
Jersey Water Works recognizes that not only a modern, robust water infrastructure but also an informed public are crucial for the health of our children, our communities and ultimately our economy. These resources are provided to help educate on the risks and effects of lead exposure from drinking water. Lead In Drinking Water (NJ DEP)… Continue reading Lead in Our Drinking Water