In the Eye of the Storm: Exploring A Stormwater Utility in New Jersey

Rain garden in Manville, NJ. Photo courtesy of Loana Mendez-Solano and New Jersey Future.

New Jersey’s water-related infrastructure is a complex system, constantly facing the challenges posed by stormwater runoff and working to properly manage it. Stormwater management isn’t just about handling rainfall; it’s a critical aspect of preserving water quality and mitigating flooding risks. In New Jersey, where urbanization and rainfall patterns intersect, managing stormwater is more than just a priority; it’s a necessity. Enter a stormwater utility— a dedicated fee to address these stormwater management challenges.

The Jersey Waterworks Stormwater Utility Subcommittee launched the “Stormwater Utility Informational Forum” comprising five one-hour-long, town-hall-style education sessions. Each session featured expert panelists who explored various aspects of creating a stormwater utility and establishing a sustainable and dedicated funding mechanism to pay for a community’s stormwater management program.

Read the full blog here.

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