The coronavirus crisis has reminded us of the vital role of our water infrastructure and, accordingly, has highlighted the impact of when it fails. Regardless of a contagious and deadly virus, public health is threatened without safe and reliable water services, both drinking water and wastewater. Along with reminding us how important water infrastructure itself… Continue reading Bolstering the Water Workforce with Innovative Programs
Topic: Workforce
Op-Ed: Now More than Ever, Our Health Depends on Access to Clean Water
Medical experts tell us that the best defense against the coronavirus (and many other illnesses) is to wash our hands with soap and water.These days, the minute we walk in the house, we head to the sink for a vigorous scrub. We also rely on running water for drinking, cooking, sanitation and hygiene every day;… Continue reading Op-Ed: Now More than Ever, Our Health Depends on Access to Clean Water
Let’s invest in projects that guarantee we’ll have clean water | Opinion
“As we move toward reopening and recovery, the government response to COVID-19 must assure a clean water future for all communities in New Jersey. And we can do so while growing New Jersey’s economy and creating thousands of much needed jobs.” — Chris Sturm of New Jersey Future
Promoting professional development and sustainability in the water workforce
The New Jersey One Water Awards honor projects that demonstrate great water management. Winners illustrate the One Water ideal by valuing and making use of all water, whether it’s drinking water, stormwater, or wastewater. The awards program is sponsored by five organizations: American Water Resources Association’s New Jersey section, American Water Works Association’s New Jersey section, Association… Continue reading Promoting professional development and sustainability in the water workforce
Making It Rain: Effective Stormwater Fees Can Create Jobs, Build Infrastructure, And Drive Investment In Local Communities
This issue brief, Making It Rain: Effective Stormwater Fees Can Create Jobs, Build Infrastructure, and Drive Investment in Local Communities, produced by Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) explains how a stormwater fee can provide a steady stream of funding for stormwater management. NRDC presents a suite of strategic recommendations for local governments in the process… Continue reading Making It Rain: Effective Stormwater Fees Can Create Jobs, Build Infrastructure, And Drive Investment In Local Communities
Our Water Transformed: An Action Agenda for New Jersey’s Water Infrastructure
The report, Our Water Transformed: An Action Agenda for New Jersey’s Water Infrastructure, offers an in-depth understanding of the state’s water infrastructure and the context for improvement, provides clarity on how Jersey Water Works has brought so many stakeholders together to affect change, and outlines a consensus-based “action agenda” with three practical solutions: Robust asset management to… Continue reading Our Water Transformed: An Action Agenda for New Jersey’s Water Infrastructure
The Economic Benefits of Investing in Water Infrastructure
This economic impact analysis from the The Value of Water Campaign quantifies the the need to increase investments in the nation’s water infrastructure and the impacts on economic growth and employment. Based on a 2016 assessment by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), this study estimates that the US needs to invest an additional… Continue reading The Economic Benefits of Investing in Water Infrastructure
Presentations from Workshop: “Fostering Municipal and Utility Partnerships for Water Quality Management”
At the “Fostering Municipal and Utility Partnerships for Water Quality Management” Workshop on Feb. 7, 2017, audience members learned about new best practices that will help municipal governments, working in partnership with their utilities, conduct/implement water loss audits, utility asset management and green infrastructure planning and implementation. The workshop was presented in partnership with the… Continue reading Presentations from Workshop: “Fostering Municipal and Utility Partnerships for Water Quality Management”
One Water Roadmap: The Sustainable Management of Life’s Most Essential Resource
This report from the U.S. Water Alliance makes a case for the One Water approach and highlights successful strategies and real-world examples in practice.