“State and national experts will convene in New Jersey’s state capital to discuss innovative solutions for building resilient water systems across the state, around issues including the implementation of green infrastructure, the new combined sewer overflow (CSO) permits, water affordability programs, and a diverse and equitable water workforce.”
Topic: Workforce
The New Jersey Pathways to Career Opportunities: Aligning Education to Build an Innovative Workforce
New Jersey’s Community Colleges, in partnership with the New Jersey Business and Industry Association, have launched an unprecedented statewide education and training pathways initiative across all education sectors and connected to industry that will strengthen the state’s workforce for community members, businesses, and the economy for years to come. This initiative, New Jersey Pathways to… Continue reading The New Jersey Pathways to Career Opportunities: Aligning Education to Build an Innovative Workforce
Environmental Professional Development Academy Builds Tomorrow’s New Jersey Utility Leaders
After completing the Environmental Professional Development Academy, cohort members are honored at the AEA annual awards luncheon. Here, members of the first EPDA cohort stand, holding their certificates, with Brian Valentino (far R), EPDA director/executive director at Western Monmouth Utilities Authority, and Michael Ruppel, who was at the time of the photo executive director of… Continue reading Environmental Professional Development Academy Builds Tomorrow’s New Jersey Utility Leaders
Make Water a Career of Choice
Building the Water Workforce of the Future
Photo description: 2022 Water UP! participants. Photo credit: New Jersey American Water After two years of a global pandemic, the resulting economic and unemployment crises, and with the continued economic uncertainty and unsettled jobs market, it’s understandable if New Jersey’s young people feel uncertain about the future. Now more than ever, our youth need to… Continue reading Building the Water Workforce of the Future
Jersey Water Works Water Workforce Taskforce is on a mission to bolster education and outreach to make water a career of choice!
Photo credit: Value of Water campaign, US Water Alliance We rely on water for our survival, and we rely on the drinking water and wastewater utilities in every community to ensure that our water is managed appropriately. Furthermore, water utilities are a vital asset to communities as they impact our local economy, health, and the… Continue reading Jersey Water Works Water Workforce Taskforce is on a mission to bolster education and outreach to make water a career of choice!
Compendium of Successful Water Workforce Practices
The Water Environment Federation collected 21 case studies demonstrating the ways in which the best-in-class water utilities across the country have implemented innovation to optimize the performance of their water workforces. This compendium has a special focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion in our national water workforces.
Op-Ed: We need to foster NJ’s next generation of utility workers
JWW Steering Committee member Tom Churchelow, President of New Jersey Utilities Association, says that as we celebrate New Jersey Careers in Utilities Week this third week of October, we as a state must do all we can to encourage the next generation of utility workers.
NJ Water Workforce Training Program Inventory
Water is a natural resource, but it requires millions of workers to manage it, protect it, and use it for drinking water. These essential workers design, construct, and operate water infrastructure. The water sector offers a number of employment opportunities that often need specific qualifications or licensing. The New Jersey Water Workforce Training Program Inventory is… Continue reading NJ Water Workforce Training Program Inventory
Bolstering the Water Workforce with Innovative Programs
In the City of Camden, two programs were created to train residents of low-income communities and communities of color in green infrastructure maintenance and/or connect them to employment opportunities, including those in the water industry. One is PowerCorps Camden, a water workforce program that allows local youth (ages 18-26) to learn how to maintain green… Continue reading Bolstering the Water Workforce with Innovative Programs