Seminars Highlight Programmatic Changes at the New Jersey Water Bank

The Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) and the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) are federal-state partnerships that provide communities with permanent, independent sources of low-cost financing for a wide range of water infrastructure projects. The loan programs are administered jointly by the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank (I-Bank) and the New Jersey Department of… Continue reading Seminars Highlight Programmatic Changes at the New Jersey Water Bank

The Economic Impacts of a $1 Billion Increase in New Jersey Drinking Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Capital Investment

  This report, The Economic Impacts of a $1 Billion Increase in New Jersey Drinking Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Capital Investment, examines how investing the additional $1 billion needed on the drinking water, wastewater and stormwater networks would create economic benefits throughout the state economy. The report was commissioned by the Utility and Transportation Contractors Association.

Utility Strengthening through Consolidation: A Briefing Paper

Despite being an important tool for sustainable water management, utility consolidation is one of the most difficult topics to discuss in the sector. Communities considering options to better meet their water service needs struggle to find fact-based information. Historically, consolidation has put different interests in the water sector in opposition and been difficult to undertake. The US Water Alliance developed to support… Continue reading Utility Strengthening through Consolidation: A Briefing Paper

Municipalities get boost from major federal water legislation

Following years of advocacy, bipartisan sponsorship, as well as House and Senate support, the administration signed the Water Infrastructure Improvement Act amending the Clean Water Act on January 14, 2019. A progressive move, considering the recent efforts to repeal the 2015 definition of the Waters of the United States rule and revise it, narrowing the definition of… Continue reading Municipalities get boost from major federal water legislation


Opportunities for Strategic Energy Management in the Municipal Water Sector

This report, Opportunities for Strategic Energy Management in the Municipal Water Sector, focuses on the opportunity to integrate Strategic Energy Management (SEM) into the municipal water-wastewater sector by providing recommendations and resources for key stakeholders, namely municipalities and those working within the facilities and utility program administrators who are in a strong position to support… Continue reading Opportunities for Strategic Energy Management in the Municipal Water Sector

2018 Stormwater Utility Survey

The “2018 Stormwater Utility Survey” was conducted online, in the United States, during May through July of 2018. The results are presented under the following six sections: Section 1: Organization and Operations presents a general profile of the respondents including population, size and characteristics of service area. Section 2: Planning presents insights into what utility managers perceive to… Continue reading 2018 Stormwater Utility Survey

Funding Land Conservation Projects with the Clean Water State Revolving Fund

This fact sheet, Funding Land Conservation Projects with the Clean Water State Revolving Fund, describes opportunities to fund land conservation with the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF). The CWSRF can provide assistance for projects that result in the protection or restoration of surface water, which can include the purchase of land, leasing, fee-simple purchase,… Continue reading Funding Land Conservation Projects with the Clean Water State Revolving Fund

EPA Fact Sheet: Drinking Water State Revolving Fund

This fact sheet, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, describes the DWSRF program’s structure, including its water system and project eligibilities. It lists the multiple financial assistance mechanisms available to communities for their infrastructure and non-infrastructure water needs.

Drinking Water and Wastewater Infrastructure: Information on Identified Needs, Planning for Future Conditions, and Coordination of Project Funding

The U.S. Government Accountability Office was asked to review federal programs that provide funding for drinking water and wastewater infrastructure. This report describes (1) how federal agencies and selected states identify drinking water and wastewater infrastructure needs; (2) how federal agencies have supported selected states’ planning for future conditions that may affect needs; and (3) the extent to which federal and state agencies have coordinated in… Continue reading Drinking Water and Wastewater Infrastructure: Information on Identified Needs, Planning for Future Conditions, and Coordination of Project Funding