NJ Water Bank Offering Principal Forgiveness for CSO Abatement

In response to the Clean Water Act, the National Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Policy, and the New Jersey Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NJPDES) Regulations, the NJ Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) issued 25 individual NJPDES permits to require the submission of a Long-Term Control Plan (LTCP) to reduce or eliminate CSOs. These permits were issued… Continue reading NJ Water Bank Offering Principal Forgiveness for CSO Abatement

JWW Committee Recommends Relief for Low-Income Customers, Water and Wastewater Utilities

The Jersey Water Works Asset Management and Finance Committee submitted the following recommendations in response to the COVID-19 outbreak to the Governor’s office on April 17. These recommendations address the inequitable impacts of the pandemic during and immediately following the outbreak, both on low-income customers who can’t afford to pay their water bills, and on… Continue reading JWW Committee Recommends Relief for Low-Income Customers, Water and Wastewater Utilities

Asset Management Key Performance Indicators: Rule Recommendations for State Government

The Jersey Water Works Asset Management and Finance Committee and the American Water Works Association New Jersey section Infrastructure Management Committee issued recommendations for consideration by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection during the implementation of the Water Quality Accountability Act (WQAA). The committees’ core focus was to recommend metrics for measuring system condition,… Continue reading Asset Management Key Performance Indicators: Rule Recommendations for State Government

Jersey Water Works Statement on the Governor’s State of the State Address

Jersey Water Works Steering Committee Co-Chairs Jane Kenny and Mark Mauriello released the following statement on Governor Murphy’s 2020 State of the State Address: “New Jersey faces many water infrastructure issues, most visibly that of lead in our drinking water. We are pleased to see Governor Murphy continuing to elevate the importance of addressing lead… Continue reading Jersey Water Works Statement on the Governor’s State of the State Address

Water Resources Baseline Topic Report

This report examines water resource and infrastructure issues in northern New Jersey, reports on current and possible future conditions, and recommends water resource objectives, outcomes, metrics and indicators for use by the Together North Jersey in its Regional Plan for Sustainable Development (RPSD). For each element of water sustainability, the report addresses whether sustainability is… Continue reading Water Resources Baseline Topic Report

Handout: Water Infrastructure Drives New Jersey’s Economy

In order to lay the groundwork for wide-scale transformation of New Jersey’s water infrastructure systems, members of the Jersey Water Works collaborative have prioritized educating the public and elected and appointed officials on the importance of taking care of water infrastructure. This booklet is a tool for doing so and Jersey Water Works encourages all… Continue reading Handout: Water Infrastructure Drives New Jersey’s Economy

Policy Options: Promoting Affordability of Public Water and Sewer Service for Low-Income Households in New Jersey

This discussion paper presents policy options for improving affordability of water and wastewater service for lower income residents in New Jersey—for the benefit not only of those customers, but of all New Jerseyans, who depend on their local utilities for clean, safe, and reliable water and sewer service. Jersey Water Works aims to use it to spark… Continue reading Policy Options: Promoting Affordability of Public Water and Sewer Service for Low-Income Households in New Jersey

To P3 or not to P3: A water industry view on the relevance of public-private partnership delivery models

This report, To P3 or not to P3: A water industry view on the relevance of public-private partnership delivery models, details how P3s benefit municipal utilities who don’t have the experience, capacity or confidence to deliver and maintain these assets using their existing staff and resources. Public-private partnerships (P3), while no means a panacea for infrastructure… Continue reading To P3 or not to P3: A water industry view on the relevance of public-private partnership delivery models

Paying for Water Systems: A Guide for Local Leaders

This brief, Paying for Water Systems: A Guide for Local Leaders, focuses on the most sustainable, equitable toolkit to finance and operate publicly-owned water utilities, for which elected city or utility leaders can advocate. Water infrastructure systems are complex, but elected and staff leaders in cities are well poised to advance more sustainable funding arrangements while addressing the affordability… Continue reading Paying for Water Systems: A Guide for Local Leaders