Newark, New Jersey’s largest city, is home to 282,000 residents who are served by the City’s water system. In June 2017, testing revealed 22% of 129 samples of the City’s water exceeded the federal limit for lead. Since more than 10% of samples exceeded the federal threshold, the City had to inform its residents. As… Continue reading Newark’s Lead Service Line Replacement Program is a Model for the Nation
Topic: Lead
Op-Ed: Now More than Ever, Our Health Depends on Access to Clean Water
Medical experts tell us that the best defense against the coronavirus (and many other illnesses) is to wash our hands with soap and water.These days, the minute we walk in the house, we head to the sink for a vigorous scrub. We also rely on running water for drinking, cooking, sanitation and hygiene every day;… Continue reading Op-Ed: Now More than Ever, Our Health Depends on Access to Clean Water
Let’s invest in projects that guarantee we’ll have clean water | Opinion
“As we move toward reopening and recovery, the government response to COVID-19 must assure a clean water future for all communities in New Jersey. And we can do so while growing New Jersey’s economy and creating thousands of much needed jobs.” — Chris Sturm of New Jersey Future
Everyone needs their lead pipes replaced, not just those who can afford it
Across the country, over 9 million homes still get their drinking water through a lead pipe. Given our growing understanding of the risks of even low levels of lead exposure to both children and adults — and the benefits of reducing exposure — replacing these lead service lines is a no-brainer. Two new analyses underscore the need to… Continue reading Everyone needs their lead pipes replaced, not just those who can afford it
Lead in Drinking Water: A Permanent Solution for New Jersey
The task force’s work has culminated in the release of Lead in Drinking Water: A Permanent Solution for New Jersey. This report outlines actions New Jersey can take to virtually eliminate lead in drinking water in 10 years.
Where are the lead service lines in New Jersey?
New Jersey, along with states across the country, is confronting a public health threat: lead in drinking water. The primary source is lead service lines (LSLs), hose-sized pipes containing some amount of lead that connect water mains under the streets to buildings. But which communities are most at risk? As of August, 2019, lead service… Continue reading Where are the lead service lines in New Jersey?
Developing Lead Service Line Inventories Presented by the Association of State Drinking Water Administrators
Many state drinking water administrators are considering developing inventories of the materials used in service lines that are part of the distribution systems of community water systems (CWSs) they regulate. Some states have already conducted voluntary or mandatory surveys of CWSs whether on their own or in response to state legislation. Others are preparing to… Continue reading Developing Lead Service Line Inventories Presented by the Association of State Drinking Water Administrators
Assessment of Eliminating Lead in Minnesota Drinking Water
The 2017 Minnesota Legislature directed the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) to “conduct an analysis to determine the scope of the lead problem in Minnesota’s water and the cost to eliminate lead exposure in drinking water.” In this report, Assessment of Eliminating Lead in Minnesota Drinking Water, MDH assesses the scope of the lead problem… Continue reading Assessment of Eliminating Lead in Minnesota Drinking Water
A Call to Action: We Can Take Back the Tap, One Municipality at a Time!
Older cities and towns throughout New Jersey and the nation are facing a public health crisis – lead in drinking water. The most common source of lead in tap water is from the lead service line (LSL, curb to the home), lead solder at pipe joints and faucets. The most protective remedy is to fully… Continue reading A Call to Action: We Can Take Back the Tap, One Municipality at a Time!
Rates could fund lead pipe replacement in critical states: Laws in states with the most lead service lines support the practice
In Rates could fund lead pipe replacement in critical states, Emmett Environmental Law & Policy Clinic at Harvard Law School and Environmental Defense Fund reviewed state laws and policies in 13 states with the most lead service lines (LSLs), and found no explicit barriers to using rate funds to replace the lines on private property. These… Continue reading Rates could fund lead pipe replacement in critical states: Laws in states with the most lead service lines support the practice