Understanding Jersey WaterCheck Data – Metrics

This document lists Jersey WaterCheck metrics by “Communications Category” with: Relevant metric descriptor Survey question (if applicable) Data source Additional contextual information, and data source

Understanding Jersey WaterCheck Data – Terms and Systems

This document explains the following related to Jersey WaterCheck: Terms used, their definitions, and clarification if they differ from typical industry usage Which “systems” were included/excluded and the basic information provided for each The breakdown of systems based on population served

Op-Ed: Workable solutions to the replacement of lead service lines in NJ

JWW Lead in Drinking Water Task Force chair Chris Daggett says that we cannot expose another generation of children to the scourge of lead from drinking water. There are two solutions that are both practical and efficient if public officials are committed to addressing the problem. The first is found in water rates, the second… Continue reading Op-Ed: Workable solutions to the replacement of lead service lines in NJ


Cleanup of our water continues: NJ 2020, the year of COVID-19

Photo Credit: Montgomery County Planning Commission from Flickr An aeration tank at a wastewater treatment facility In 2021, there is a chance of turning the corner in water infrastructure projects following a year of progress in lead-line replacement, curbing sewage overflows and state funding. Mark Mauriello talked about how Jersey Water Works members are finding… Continue reading Cleanup of our water continues: NJ 2020, the year of COVID-19


Finance sources can ease daunting cost of renewing water infrastructure, experts say

“The price tag for fixing New Jersey’s creaking water infrastructure is an eye-watering $25 billion over the next 20 years, according to a water-industry collaborative, but a range of financing options could soften the impact and allow critical improvements to be made, experts told an NJ Spotlight News roundtable on Monday.”


Efforts to Make Sure Water Safe to Drink in Paterson Continue

Photo Credit: TAPinto.net File Photo “In an effort to accelerate pipe replacements – something that can cost property owners upwards of $5,000 – the PVWC plans to launch a program that’ll allow customers to do so for free.”(Jersey Water Works mentioned).


What’s in your water? A new dashboard will help you find out.

Public health connects us all. This is never more true than during a pandemic. One of the most important public health successes of the past century is advances in sanitation and water treatment, on which we rely daily and yet it remains invisible. In our current pandemic, clean water to wash our hands and stay… Continue reading What’s in your water? A new dashboard will help you find out.