Factors Contributing to the Hydrologic Effectiveness of a Rain Garden Network (Cincinnati OH USA)

U.S. EPA researcher Bill Shuster and his co-authors recently published a paper titled, Factors Contributing to the Hydrologic Effectiveness of a Rain Garden Network (Cincinnati OH USA). The paper is one of two included in a special issue of  that focuses on green infrastructure. Infiltrative rain gardens can add retention capacity to sewersheds, yet factors contributing to… Continue reading Factors Contributing to the Hydrologic Effectiveness of a Rain Garden Network (Cincinnati OH USA)

Great Urban Parks Campaign Resources

The National Recreation and Park Association in cooperation with the American Planning Association and the Low Impact Development Center as part of the Great Urban Parks Campaign has produced a number of new resources on green infrastructure stormwater management in parks and on public lands. Downloadable resources include: A Resource Guide to Planning, Designing and… Continue reading Great Urban Parks Campaign Resources

Our Water Transformed: An Action Agenda for New Jersey’s Water Infrastructure

The report, Our Water Transformed: An Action Agenda for New Jersey’s Water Infrastructure, offers an in-depth understanding of the state’s water infrastructure and the context for improvement, provides clarity on how Jersey Water Works has brought so many stakeholders together to affect change, and outlines a consensus-based “action agenda” with three practical solutions: Robust asset management to… Continue reading Our Water Transformed: An Action Agenda for New Jersey’s Water Infrastructure

Protecting against floods with a community-designed park

The inaugural New Jersey One Water Awards, sponsored jointly by Jersey Water Works, the Association of Environmental Authorities of New Jersey, and the New Jersey chapter of the American Water Works Association, were developed to honor initiatives that exemplify the principles of the One Water approach: the belief that all water- stormwater, drinking water, wastewater- has… Continue reading Protecting against floods with a community-designed park

Rain Garden Partnership in Newton Brings Learning Opportunity, Better Water Quality

Many towns in New Jersey have streets, intersections, or parking lots that flood during heavy rains. And if a parking lot, for example, drains into a crucial waterway, it could pose a serious threat to water quality. How does a town fix this type of flooding problem? It can be done with green infrastructure. Green… Continue reading Rain Garden Partnership in Newton Brings Learning Opportunity, Better Water Quality

Green Infrastructure In Our Backyards

When it comes to something as large and as opaque as a city’s stormwater management system, municipalities often struggle to create pathways for meaningful public participation. Particularly for agencies with small staffs and budgets, municipalities can find it difficult to comply with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s requirement that every municipality with a combined sewer… Continue reading Green Infrastructure In Our Backyards

Three Questions for Elizabeth Fassman-Beck

It’s been an exciting summer for Elizabeth Fassman-Beck, associate professor in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Ocean Engineering at Stevens Institute of Technology. Fassman-Beck, a leading expert on green roofs and co-author of Living Roofs in Integrated Urban Water Systems, is overseeing the construction of a Living Laboratory for green infrastructure (GI) research. The… Continue reading Three Questions for Elizabeth Fassman-Beck

Opportunities for Municipal Clean Water Utilities to Advance Environmental Justice & Community Service

The National Association of Clean Water Agencies prepared this report to increase awareness of the many benefits America’s clean water utilities provide to their communities. The projects in this compendium represent efforts by NACWA members to reach beyond the traditional model of simply conveying and treating wastewater and stormwater, to become assets and partners in their… Continue reading Opportunities for Municipal Clean Water Utilities to Advance Environmental Justice & Community Service