New Report Highlights Green Infrastructure Financing Opportunities

The New Jersey Water Bank provides very favorable financing for for green infrastructure related to CSO abatement projects. So why is gaining access to this financing sometimes a challenge? New Jersey Future’s new analysis, A Review of New Jersey Water Bank Financing for Green Infrastructure Projects, addresses this question. The report emphasizes the importance of the… Continue reading New Report Highlights Green Infrastructure Financing Opportunities

A Review of New Jersey Water Bank Financing for Green Infrastructure Projects

This report issued by New Jersey Future, A Review of New Jersey Water Bank Financing for Green Infrastructure Projects, is the culmination of a year-long partnership with I-Bank and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to improve access to the program’s low-cost green infrastructure financing and continues to move the I-Bank into innovative areas of lending… Continue reading A Review of New Jersey Water Bank Financing for Green Infrastructure Projects

Green Infrastructure & Health Guide

The Green Infrastructure & Health Guide provides some general principles, best practices, and experiences about how best to use green infrastructure to promote better health equity. It is designed for use by managers, engineers, community organizations, planners, and others who are siting, designing, building, and stewarding green infrastructure in urban areas and rural towns across Canada and the United… Continue reading Green Infrastructure & Health Guide

Menu of State Policy Options for Green Infrastructure

This document produced by the U.S. Green Building Council, Menu of State Policy Options for Green Infrastructure, is an introduction to leading policy practices to harness the benefits of green infrastructure and achieve greater sustainability outcomes through high-performing buildings and infrastructure. The resource can help state legislatures take decisive action to expand green infrastructure practices.  

Working with the Market: Economic Instruments to Support Investment in Green Stormwater Infrastructure

This report, Working with the Market: Economic Instruments to Support Investment in Green Stormwater Infrastructure, will help stormwater program managers leverage market forces to drive implementation and investment in green infrastructure that meets their needs. Over the next 20 years, communities across the U.S. are likely to invest upwards of $150 billion to manage stormwater infrastructure… Continue reading Working with the Market: Economic Instruments to Support Investment in Green Stormwater Infrastructure

Storm Smart Cities: Integrating Green Infrastructure into Local Hazard Mitigation Plans

This guide, Storm Smart Cities: Integrating Green Infrastructure into Local Hazard Mitigation Plans, is a case study of Huntington, West Virginia and early efforts to consider how green infrastructure could be incorporated into local hazard mitigation plans.  It follows a partnership of local, state, and federal organizations and their collaborative effort to address local flooding and… Continue reading Storm Smart Cities: Integrating Green Infrastructure into Local Hazard Mitigation Plans

Step-by-Step Guide to Integrating Community Input into Green Infrastructure Projects

ELI and its partner Amigos Bravos drafted this Guide to Integrating Community Input into Green Infrastructure Projects to help local governments integrate community input into their green infrastructure projects. It sets out eight steps that local governments can take and, for each step, provides details and tips to help local governments as they move through… Continue reading Step-by-Step Guide to Integrating Community Input into Green Infrastructure Projects

Evaluating Green Infrastructure: A Combined Sewer Overflow Control Alternative for Long Term Control Plans

The intent of this document, Evaluating Green Infrastructure: A Combined Sewer Overflow Control Alternative for Long Term Control Plans, is to provide guidance to Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) permittees within the State of New Jersey to evaluate green infrastructure (GI) as part of their Long Term Control Plans (LTCPs). LTCP implementation will be a long and expensive… Continue reading Evaluating Green Infrastructure: A Combined Sewer Overflow Control Alternative for Long Term Control Plans

Holistically Analyzing the Benefits of Green Infrastructure

This document is intended for smaller local governments with stormwater programs that are responsible for regulatory compliance with municipal separate storm sewer system obligations. It outlines an approach to holistically evaluate the benefits of implementing green infrastructure. The guidance places emphasis on first understanding the goal and scope for assessing benefits. It uses the goal… Continue reading Holistically Analyzing the Benefits of Green Infrastructure