A township’s holistic approach to water management

The New Jersey One Water Awards honor projects that demonstrate great water management. Winners illustrate the One Water ideal by valuing and making use of all water, whether it’s drinking water, stormwater, or wastewater. The awards program is sponsored by five organizations: American Water Resources Association’s New Jersey section, American Water Works Association’s New Jersey… Continue reading A township’s holistic approach to water management

Balancing Green and Gray Solutions to CSO Management

The purpose of this report, Balancing Green and Gray Solutions to CSO Management, is to provide guidance to CSO permit holders and their Supplemental CSO Community Teams, to help guide the development of LTCPs for determining an optimal green/gray balance. Although the target audience is permittees and their communities, other readers should benefit from the summary of… Continue reading Balancing Green and Gray Solutions to CSO Management

From Stormwater to Clean Water: New Flood-Control, Pollution Resource for Towns

The related problems of nuisance flooding and polluted waterways are getting worse in our Garden State. To help cities and towns address these problems, New Jersey Future has developed the Green Infrastructure Municipal Toolkit: a one-stop online resource useful to any community in New Jersey, whether new to the opportunities green infrastructure presents or already implementing… Continue reading From Stormwater to Clean Water: New Flood-Control, Pollution Resource for Towns

Rain Garden by Rain Garden, Hoboken Builds Resilience

After Hurricane Sandy devastated the city of Hoboken, New Jersey, six years ago, city leaders got serious about resilience. The one-square-mile city is vulnerable to coastal and stormwater flooding for several reasons: low topography and proximity to the Hudson River; extensive impermeable ground cover; and aging sewer infrastructure. In the post-Sandy Rebuild by Design contest, the international architecture… Continue reading Rain Garden by Rain Garden, Hoboken Builds Resilience

New Model Ordinance Will Help Reduce Polluted Runoff in New Jersey

A new model ordinance will help New Jersey communities curb harmful stormwater runoff that pollutes local waterways and contributes to urban flooding. The model ordinance is a new “action” promoted by Sustainable Jersey, a nonprofit organization that provides tools and training to support communities as they pursue sustainability goals. Under Sustainable Jersey’s sustainability certification program, municipalities undertake… Continue reading New Model Ordinance Will Help Reduce Polluted Runoff in New Jersey

2018 State of Stormwater Report

The 2018 State of Stormwater Report report provides a brief overview of stormwater programs in participating states. The information was compiled by National Municipal Stormwater Alliance member organizations and does not reflect any official state position on permit compliance or receiving water quality. Rather, the information provided is a snapshot of overall MS4 NPDES program… Continue reading 2018 State of Stormwater Report

Reconnecting to the Water at the One Water Summit

One Water, One Future. That was the theme of the 2018 One Water Summit, hosted in Minneapolis by the U.S. Water Alliance from July 10-12. For the third consecutive year, Jersey Water Works led a delegation from New Jersey at the summit, and with a total of 34 delegates, this year’s was the largest delegation… Continue reading Reconnecting to the Water at the One Water Summit

What’s Next for Jersey Water Works Committees?

New Jersey’s summer has been filled with the kind of hot, humid days that just scream for slowing down, finding a shady spot, and sipping an ice cold beverage. Yet in the (well air-conditioned) rooms at the Robert Wood Johnson Conference Center in Hamilton, Jersey Water Works’ committees were doing anything but slowing down. Members… Continue reading What’s Next for Jersey Water Works Committees?