Finance sources can ease daunting cost of renewing water infrastructure, experts say

“The price tag for fixing New Jersey’s creaking water infrastructure is an eye-watering $25 billion over the next 20 years, according to a water-industry collaborative, but a range of financing options could soften the impact and allow critical improvements to be made, experts told an NJ Spotlight News roundtable on Monday.”


Greening the Garden State: These Three Towns Show You How!

Green streets aren’t just for big cities like Philadelphia. They can help smaller cities like Camden and Hoboken and towns like Highland Park to meet flooding and stormwater challenges while providing community benefits. Camden, Hoboken, and Highland Park chose to use green streets strategies because they protect public health, improve water quality, manage stormwater runoff,… Continue reading Greening the Garden State: These Three Towns Show You How!

New Jersey Green Streets Case Studies

As of 2019, 151 municipalities in New Jersey have adopted complete streets policies, but most have not incorporated green streets language or requirements into their policies. Municipalities can enhance their roadways by incorporating green streets practices into their complete streets designs. Green streets can help meet regulatory requirements for stormwater management, provide important environmental and… Continue reading New Jersey Green Streets Case Studies

Green Infrastructure Recommendations for Consideration within the Green Acres Reauthorization

In July 2020, the Jersey Water Works Green Infrastructure Committee sent recommendations for consideration by the Department of Environmental Protection to the re-authorization of the Green Acres rules. The Green Infrastructure subcommittee focused its efforts to understand the limitations of the current rule towards green infrastructure, and propose revisions that integrate green infrastructure into the… Continue reading Green Infrastructure Recommendations for Consideration within the Green Acres Reauthorization

Assessing Public Input and Consideration of Green Infrastructure in NJ CSO Reports

This paper, “Assessing Public Input and Consideration of Green Infrastructure in NJ CSO Reports”, assesses how well the Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Development and Evaluation of Alternatives Reports meet the Jersey Water Works (JWW) goals for “Smart CSO Plans.” The Development and Evaluation of Alternative Reports (DEARs) were submitted to the New Jersey Department of… Continue reading Assessing Public Input and Consideration of Green Infrastructure in NJ CSO Reports

NJ Water Bank Offering Principal Forgiveness for CSO Abatement

In response to the Clean Water Act, the National Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Policy, and the New Jersey Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NJPDES) Regulations, the NJ Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) issued 25 individual NJPDES permits to require the submission of a Long-Term Control Plan (LTCP) to reduce or eliminate CSOs. These permits were issued… Continue reading NJ Water Bank Offering Principal Forgiveness for CSO Abatement

New Jersey Communities Discuss Climate Change Impact on Multi-Billion Dollar Sewer Improvement Plans

In New Jersey, 21 fast-growing communities with outdated sewer systems that combine rainfall with industrial and domestic sewage are finding they are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. When it rains in these communities, raw sewage pours into rivers and backs up into basements and onto streets, known as Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO).… Continue reading New Jersey Communities Discuss Climate Change Impact on Multi-Billion Dollar Sewer Improvement Plans

Landscape Professionals Absorb Stormwater Management

About 25 people attended The Watershed Institute’s inaugural Green Infrastructure Certification class for professionals. The group of landscape designers, municipal officials, and others learned about various types of green infrastructure that help capture and absorb water as well as suitable native plants that will flourish in these stormwater facilities. After the two-day classroom portion of… Continue reading Landscape Professionals Absorb Stormwater Management