Forum Roundup: Cities, Redevelopers Join Forces To Tackle Floodproofing, Sewer Upgrades

Cities are engaging redevelopers in a number of ways to meet the challenge of flooding, aging infrastructure and climate change, as described at New Jersey Future’s Redevelopment Forum session on Rebuilding Water Infrastructure, One Redevelopment Project at a Time. Speakers from Hackensack, Hoboken and Gloucester City described how they are shaping redevelopment plans, redevelopment agreements… Continue reading Forum Roundup: Cities, Redevelopers Join Forces To Tackle Floodproofing, Sewer Upgrades

Financing Opportunities for Implementing Green Infrastructure Projects to Manage Stormwater

This webinar presentation, by the Nature Conservancy and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), provides an overview of work done around the country that enables the utilization of public and private funding sources to implement GI in order to create the greatest ecological, economic and social benefits. In addition, the EPA describes innovative financing for green… Continue reading Financing Opportunities for Implementing Green Infrastructure Projects to Manage Stormwater

Green Infrastructure Taking Off in Paterson

Paterson SMART provides forum for coordination The City of Paterson, or Silk City, is not only one of New Jersey’s most densely populated cities but also home to 24 of 212 combined sewer overflows (CSOs) in New Jersey. These combined sewer overflows can be overwhelmed during heavy rain events, dumping raw sewage into the Passaic… Continue reading Green Infrastructure Taking Off in Paterson

Hoboken Green Infrastructure Strategic Plan

This 2013 plan recommends the most effective types of green infrastructure projects for the city of Hoboken, based on a strategic analysis of soil conditions, land uses, cost and other factors. Recommendations for implementation are included.

Model RFP for New Jersey Combined Sewer Overflow Long Term Control Plan Consultant

This model RFP includes a scope of services and consultant evaluation criteria, and is intended to enable a CSO permittee or regional collaboration of permittees to hire the professionals needed to  develop a successful long term control plan — one that meets regulatory requirements in a cost-effective manner while maximizing benefits to the community. Prepared… Continue reading Model RFP for New Jersey Combined Sewer Overflow Long Term Control Plan Consultant