Survey: New Jersey Residents Name Clean Drinking Water as Top Environmental Priority

Clean. Safe. That’s the message from New Jersey residents on what they want the water coming out of their taps to be. When scientists and engineers talk about water quality in terms of parts per million, parts per billion, and maximum contaminant levels, it can be easy to get lost in the jargon. New Jersey… Continue reading Survey: New Jersey Residents Name Clean Drinking Water as Top Environmental Priority

Joint Legislative Task Force on Drinking Water Infrastructure’s Final Report

The Joint Legislative Task Force on Drinking Water Infrastructure convened on Jan. 8, 2018, and voted unanimously to adopt the findings and recommendations in its report. In response to concerns over the condition of the State’s drinking water infrastructure, on Jun. 30, 2016 the Legislature passed Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 86 and Assembly Concurrent Resolution… Continue reading Joint Legislative Task Force on Drinking Water Infrastructure’s Final Report

Legislative Task Force Report a Significant Achievement for JWW Members

On Monday, Jan. 8, members of the Joint Legislative Task Force on Drinking Water Infrastructure voted unanimously to adopt the findings and recommendations in its report. The task force’s two Republican members noted that they will also issue a minority report, with specific suggestions for ways to focus a state investment program. The Drinking Water… Continue reading Legislative Task Force Report a Significant Achievement for JWW Members

Our Water Transformed: An Action Agenda for New Jersey’s Water Infrastructure

The report, Our Water Transformed: An Action Agenda for New Jersey’s Water Infrastructure, offers an in-depth understanding of the state’s water infrastructure and the context for improvement, provides clarity on how Jersey Water Works has brought so many stakeholders together to affect change, and outlines a consensus-based “action agenda” with three practical solutions: Robust asset management to… Continue reading Our Water Transformed: An Action Agenda for New Jersey’s Water Infrastructure

Seminar Reveals How New Legislation Will Affect New Jersey Water Purveyors

What does New Jersey really need? It needs water systems that are reliable, resilient, and affordable. The recently passed Water Quality Accountability Act (WQAA) is a milestone for New Jersey on its path to drinking water systems that meet these goals. But what does this statute mean for water purveyors and their stakeholders? Over the… Continue reading Seminar Reveals How New Legislation Will Affect New Jersey Water Purveyors

U.S. GAO Recommendations to Enhance EPA’s Oversight of Lead Rule

GAO makes three recommendations, as part of its report, “Additional Data and Statistical Analysis May Enhance EPA’s Oversight of the Lead and Copper Rule”, including for EPA to require states to report data on lead pipes and develop a statistical analysis on the likelihood of LCR violations to supplement its current oversight. EPA agreed with… Continue reading U.S. GAO Recommendations to Enhance EPA’s Oversight of Lead Rule

Lead in Drinking Water Results Ready for ‘Back to School’ Season

New Jersey Future has released the first compilation done at the statewide level of the results of school districts’ tests for lead in their facilities’ drinking water. The preliminary analysis shows that lead was found in drinking water in school districts of all types and sizes, and in all geographic areas of the state. School districts were… Continue reading Lead in Drinking Water Results Ready for ‘Back to School’ Season

Lead in School Drinking Water in New Jersey

New Jersey Future released this preliminary analysis of test results reported to and collected by the New Jersey Department of Education in order to help quantify the extent of the problem and recommend actions to ensure schools and communities are being provided all the support they need to remediate the situation.