How Water Investments Drive New Jersey’s Economy

Water infrastructure drives New Jersey’s economy; however, deferred maintenance and inadequate levels of investment are putting the state’s prosperity and future at risk. Until recently, the total economic impact in terms of jobs and dollars spent was not well understood, so today, the first day of Infrastructure Week, a national annual campaign, five statewide water… Continue reading How Water Investments Drive New Jersey’s Economy

A Call to Action: We Can Take Back the Tap, One Municipality at a Time!

Older cities and towns throughout New Jersey and the nation are facing a public health crisis – lead in drinking water. The most common source of lead in tap water is from the lead service line (LSL, curb to the home), lead solder at pipe joints and faucets. The most protective remedy is to fully… Continue reading A Call to Action: We Can Take Back the Tap, One Municipality at a Time!

Rates could fund lead pipe replacement in critical states: Laws in states with the most lead service lines support the practice

In Rates could fund lead pipe replacement in critical states, Emmett Environmental Law & Policy Clinic at Harvard Law School and Environmental Defense Fund reviewed state laws and policies in 13 states with the most lead service lines (LSLs), and found no explicit barriers to using rate funds to replace the lines on private property. These… Continue reading Rates could fund lead pipe replacement in critical states: Laws in states with the most lead service lines support the practice

Results from 2019 Value of Water Index: American Support for Investments in Water Infrastructure

Results from the 2019 Value of Water Index: American Support for Investments in Water Infrastructure shows massive bipartisan support for investing in water infrastructure. A one-pager with results can also be viewed . Over the past four years, the Value of Water Campaign has polled American voters to better understand their opinions about the state of our… Continue reading Results from 2019 Value of Water Index: American Support for Investments in Water Infrastructure

Fact Sheet: Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)

This fact sheet, Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS), provides an introduction to PFAS chemicals, their uses, potential risks, major sources in the environment, occurrence in New Jersey’s public water systems, regulatory developments, remediation information, and links to additional resources. It was published in March 2019. To educate stakeholders on problems and solutions and to empower… Continue reading Fact Sheet: Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)

Basic Water Utility Management: A Guide for Local Leaders

This brief, Basic Water Utility Management: A Guide for Local Leaders, presents tools to help mayors understand their water systems and utilities better. Cities are better off with strong water systems, but these take time, investment, and political will to build and maintain. Many cities are facing aging infrastructure, water quality challenges, combined sewer overflows, and more. These… Continue reading Basic Water Utility Management: A Guide for Local Leaders

State of Water Preparedness: A 2018 Scan of Water Preparedness and Response Infrastructure in State and Territorial Health Agencies

In spring 2018, ASTHO surveyed state and territorial directors of public health preparedness and environmental health to learn more about their protocols, tools, resources, infrastructure, and gaps related to drinking water emergency preparedness and response. Survey questions focused on how state and territorial health agencies organize their water preparedness activities and what processes they have in place to prepare… Continue reading State of Water Preparedness: A 2018 Scan of Water Preparedness and Response Infrastructure in State and Territorial Health Agencies

Municipalities get boost from major federal water legislation

Following years of advocacy, bipartisan sponsorship, as well as House and Senate support, the administration signed the Water Infrastructure Improvement Act amending the Clean Water Act on January 14, 2019. A progressive move, considering the recent efforts to repeal the 2015 definition of the Waters of the United States rule and revise it, narrowing the definition of… Continue reading Municipalities get boost from major federal water legislation
