Efforts to Make Sure Water Safe to Drink in Paterson Continue

Photo Credit: TAPinto.net File Photo “In an effort to accelerate pipe replacements – something that can cost property owners upwards of $5,000 – the PVWC plans to launch a program that’ll allow customers to do so for free.”(Jersey Water Works mentioned).


Op-Ed: Now More than Ever, Our Health Depends on Access to Clean Water

Medical experts tell us that the best defense against the coronavirus (and many other illnesses) is to wash our hands with soap and water.These days, the minute we walk in the house, we head to the sink for a vigorous scrub. We also rely on running water for drinking, cooking, sanitation and hygiene every day;… Continue reading Op-Ed: Now More than Ever, Our Health Depends on Access to Clean Water

Let’s invest in projects that guarantee we’ll have clean water | Opinion

“As we move toward reopening and recovery, the government response to COVID-19 must assure a clean water future for all communities in New Jersey. And we can do so while growing New Jersey’s economy and creating thousands of much needed jobs.” — Chris Sturm of New Jersey Future


Coronavirus Compendium

Moonshot Missions created this compendium of suggested best practices for water utilities surrounding the COVID-19 Coronavirus. These key considerations highlight ways that water utilities can “flatten the curve” while sustaining operation of their drinking water and wastewater facilities.  

New Jersey Communities Discuss Climate Change Impact on Multi-Billion Dollar Sewer Improvement Plans

In New Jersey, 21 fast-growing communities with outdated sewer systems that combine rainfall with industrial and domestic sewage are finding they are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. When it rains in these communities, raw sewage pours into rivers and backs up into basements and onto streets, known as Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO).… Continue reading New Jersey Communities Discuss Climate Change Impact on Multi-Billion Dollar Sewer Improvement Plans