Jersey Water Works recognizes the immense efforts devoted to creating and implementing the CSO permits by the NJDEP within a five year timeline. Jersey Water Works also recognizes the time and efforts that each permit holder has put in place to the development of the Long Term Control Plan. We understand that these plans will require significant investment to reduce the combined sewer overflows that plague our most vulnerable communities. Some of the comments pertain to all plans and others to specific plans. They also pertain to both the SIARs and considerations for future CSO permit conditions. The intent of the comments is to ultimately ensure that the plans, with their technical feats and considerable investment, are equitable for the communities that they are meant to benefit. The four Jersey Water Works committees (CSO, Green Infrastructure, Asset Management & Finance, and Education & Outreach) respectfully submitted the following comments on the Long Term Control Plans.
Jersey Water Works Comments on the Long Term Control Plans