Stormwater Skills: Training Resources for Green Infrastructure Construction and Maintenance

The Green Infrastructure Committee created the green infrastructure training program inventory to inform municipalities, professionals, and others interested in green infrastructure to identify suitable training programs to fit specific needs. The ultimate goal of this inventory is to help New Jersey residents find training programs that could help them begin, or otherwise further, a career… Continue reading Stormwater Skills: Training Resources for Green Infrastructure Construction and Maintenance

Procurement Toolkit Draft for Request for Qualifications (RFQ)

This document provides a draft scope for an RFQ that would identify consultants who have the requisite expertise to administer either individual aspects or the entirety of the federal and state Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR), including a lead service line (LSL) replacement program, on behalf of participating water utilities in New Jersey.

Fifth Liter Sampling: EPA’s Newly-Mandated Technique for Sampling Lead in Drinking Water

In 2022, New Jersey’s Department of Environmental Protection will release its own LCRR proposal which is likely to address how fifth liter sampling will be implemented in New Jersey. This report explains the differences between the most common methods of water sampling and clarifies some of the questions clean water advocates may have about implementation… Continue reading Fifth Liter Sampling: EPA’s Newly-Mandated Technique for Sampling Lead in Drinking Water

Compendium of Successful Water Workforce Practices

The Water Environment Federation collected 21 case studies demonstrating the ways in which the best-in-class water utilities across the country have implemented innovation to optimize the performance of their water workforces. This compendium has a special focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion in our national water workforces.

Wow Your Town: Four Fact Sheets for Green Infrastructure Champions

The Green Infrastructure Committee created four fact sheets to help local advocates promote green infrastructure in their towns. Each fact sheet is unique for a specific audience in mind: general population, environmental experts, transportation specialists, or school stakeholders.