Hoboken Green Infrastructure Strategic Plan

This 2013 plan recommends the most effective types of green infrastructure projects for the city of Hoboken, based on a strategic analysis of soil conditions, land uses, cost and other factors. Recommendations for implementation are included.

Model RFP for New Jersey Combined Sewer Overflow Long Term Control Plan Consultant

This model RFP includes a scope of services and consultant evaluation criteria, and is intended to enable a CSO permittee or regional collaboration of permittees to hire the professionals needed to  develop a successful long term control plan — one that meets regulatory requirements in a cost-effective manner while maximizing benefits to the community. Prepared… Continue reading Model RFP for New Jersey Combined Sewer Overflow Long Term Control Plan Consultant

Facing Our Future: Infrastructure Investments Necessary for Economic Success

This 2013 report presents the long-term needs and required infrastructure investments in the areas of electric power, transportation and water systems. The report provides a fact-based, analysis-driven opportunity to understand and explore realistic ways in which New Jersey can spur economic development – and economic success – through infrastructure investments.

Financing Urban Water Infrastructure

This presentation, by University of North Carolina Environmental Finance Center director Jeff Hughes, provides a simple, comprehensive overview of the primary ways water infrastructure is financed, and also highlights some recent innovative approaches. 2014.

An Agenda For Change

This white paper from New Jersey Future summarizes the outcome of a 2014 gathering on water infrastructure, including guiding principles for improving urban water infrastructure, drivers for action and a set of action steps to stimulate progress.

Camden: Rising above the Floodwaters

This 2014 Case Study describes the effects on Camden of its inadequate water infrastructure conditions, including increasing vulnerability to flooding