State Approaches to Testing School Drinking Water for Lead in the United States

This report by and University of California Nutrition Policy Institute, State Approaches to Testing School Drinking Water for Lead in the United States, describes the features of statewide initiatives in operation between January 1, 2016 and February 28, 2018 in 24 states and the District of Columbia to conduct testing for lead in school drinking… Continue reading State Approaches to Testing School Drinking Water for Lead in the United States

Balancing Green and Gray Solutions to CSO Management

The purpose of this report, Balancing Green and Gray Solutions to CSO Management, is to provide guidance to CSO permit holders and their Supplemental CSO Community Teams, to help guide the development of LTCPs for determining an optimal green/gray balance. Although the target audience is permittees and their communities, other readers should benefit from the summary of… Continue reading Balancing Green and Gray Solutions to CSO Management

Perspectives on State Legislation Concerning Lead Testing in School Drinking Water

The Center for Green Schools at the U.S. Green Building Council undertook this study, Perspectives on State Legislation Concerning Lead Testing in School Drinking Water, to inform state legislators and advocates as they consider new state laws to address lead contamination in school drinking water. They reviewed the growing body of state laws concerning testing… Continue reading Perspectives on State Legislation Concerning Lead Testing in School Drinking Water

2018 Stormwater Utility Survey

The “2018 Stormwater Utility Survey” was conducted online, in the United States, during May through July of 2018. The results are presented under the following six sections: Section 1: Organization and Operations presents a general profile of the respondents including population, size and characteristics of service area. Section 2: Planning presents insights into what utility managers perceive to… Continue reading 2018 Stormwater Utility Survey

Funding Land Conservation Projects with the Clean Water State Revolving Fund

This fact sheet, Funding Land Conservation Projects with the Clean Water State Revolving Fund, describes opportunities to fund land conservation with the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF). The CWSRF can provide assistance for projects that result in the protection or restoration of surface water, which can include the purchase of land, leasing, fee-simple purchase,… Continue reading Funding Land Conservation Projects with the Clean Water State Revolving Fund

EPA Fact Sheet: Drinking Water State Revolving Fund

This fact sheet, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, describes the DWSRF program’s structure, including its water system and project eligibilities. It lists the multiple financial assistance mechanisms available to communities for their infrastructure and non-infrastructure water needs.

Lead in Drinking Water: Post-Flint Media Coverage and Policy Changes in the Northeast-Midwest Region

This report, released by the Northeast-Midwest Institute, presents a comprehensive analysis of post-Flint statewide laws and regulations enacted in the NEMW states to improve water quality, as well as testing, reporting, and notification of lead results, and replacement of infrastructure. The report catalogs the severity of the lead crisis in the Northeast and Midwest jurisdictions… Continue reading Lead in Drinking Water: Post-Flint Media Coverage and Policy Changes in the Northeast-Midwest Region