Paying for Water Systems: A Guide for Local Leaders

This brief, Paying for Water Systems: A Guide for Local Leaders, focuses on the most sustainable, equitable toolkit to finance and operate publicly-owned water utilities, for which elected city or utility leaders can advocate. Water infrastructure systems are complex, but elected and staff leaders in cities are well poised to advance more sustainable funding arrangements while addressing the affordability… Continue reading Paying for Water Systems: A Guide for Local Leaders

State of Water Preparedness: A 2018 Scan of Water Preparedness and Response Infrastructure in State and Territorial Health Agencies

In spring 2018, ASTHO surveyed state and territorial directors of public health preparedness and environmental health to learn more about their protocols, tools, resources, infrastructure, and gaps related to drinking water emergency preparedness and response. Survey questions focused on how state and territorial health agencies organize their water preparedness activities and what processes they have in place to prepare… Continue reading State of Water Preparedness: A 2018 Scan of Water Preparedness and Response Infrastructure in State and Territorial Health Agencies

Hidden Capacity: How Proper Maintenance and Cleaning of Sewer Systems Can Have Huge Benefits!

Issued by the JWW Combined Sewer Overflow Committee, the purpose of this paper, Hidden Capacity: How Proper Maintenance and Cleaning of Sewer Systems Can Have Huge Benefits!, is to highlight the importance of sewer cleaning and inspection as critical elements of a proper and effective sewer system operation and maintenance program. Additional basic, cost-effective “gray”… Continue reading Hidden Capacity: How Proper Maintenance and Cleaning of Sewer Systems Can Have Huge Benefits!

Research to Move Toward Evidence-Based Recommendations for Lead Service Line Disclosure Policies in Home Buying and Home Renting Scenarios

Homebuyers and renters take action when told they may have a lead service line. EDF and collaborators at Cornell published a new study that provides insight into how disclosure policies can impact potential home-buyer and renter behavior. This effort builds on a report EDF published in 2017  according to their ability to help homebuyers make… Continue reading Research to Move Toward Evidence-Based Recommendations for Lead Service Line Disclosure Policies in Home Buying and Home Renting Scenarios

Unlocking Green Infrastructure: An Applicant’s Guide to Obtaining Water Bank Funding for Green Infrastructure Projects

This Applicant’s Guide, from I-Bank, DEP and New Jersey Future, is intended for any municipality, utility authority or other eligible entity with an interest in obtaining financing for green infrastructure projects from the New Jersey Water Bank. It offers a “roadmap” for applicants by providing information in one place regarding what is involved in getting… Continue reading Unlocking Green Infrastructure: An Applicant’s Guide to Obtaining Water Bank Funding for Green Infrastructure Projects

The Economic Impacts of a $1 Billion Increase in New Jersey Drinking Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Capital Investment

  This report, The Economic Impacts of a $1 Billion Increase in New Jersey Drinking Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Capital Investment, examines how investing the additional $1 billion needed on the drinking water, wastewater and stormwater networks would create economic benefits throughout the state economy. The report was commissioned by the Utility and Transportation Contractors Association.

Utility Strengthening through Consolidation: A Briefing Paper

Despite being an important tool for sustainable water management, utility consolidation is one of the most difficult topics to discuss in the sector. Communities considering options to better meet their water service needs struggle to find fact-based information. Historically, consolidation has put different interests in the water sector in opposition and been difficult to undertake. The US Water Alliance developed to support… Continue reading Utility Strengthening through Consolidation: A Briefing Paper

Opportunities for Strategic Energy Management in the Municipal Water Sector

This report, Opportunities for Strategic Energy Management in the Municipal Water Sector, focuses on the opportunity to integrate Strategic Energy Management (SEM) into the municipal water-wastewater sector by providing recommendations and resources for key stakeholders, namely municipalities and those working within the facilities and utility program administrators who are in a strong position to support… Continue reading Opportunities for Strategic Energy Management in the Municipal Water Sector