Rain Garden Partnership in Newton Brings Learning Opportunity, Better Water Quality

Many towns in New Jersey have streets, intersections, or parking lots that flood during heavy rains. And if a parking lot, for example, drains into a crucial waterway, it could pose a serious threat to water quality. How does a town fix this type of flooding problem? It can be done with green infrastructure. Green… Continue reading Rain Garden Partnership in Newton Brings Learning Opportunity, Better Water Quality

Green Infrastructure In Our Backyards

When it comes to something as large and as opaque as a city’s stormwater management system, municipalities often struggle to create pathways for meaningful public participation. Particularly for agencies with small staffs and budgets, municipalities can find it difficult to comply with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s requirement that every municipality with a combined sewer… Continue reading Green Infrastructure In Our Backyards

Sewerage Authority Serves Community by Hosting Weather Station

After being recognized several years ago by the U.S. EPA for its environmental leadership, the Landis Sewerage Authority (LSA) is still finding innovative ways to contribute to the region. Jersey Water Works checked in with LSA Executive Director and Chief Engineer Dennis Palmer to learn more about how the authority is benefiting the local community… Continue reading Sewerage Authority Serves Community by Hosting Weather Station

Lead in Drinking Water Results Ready for ‘Back to School’ Season

New Jersey Future has released the first compilation done at the statewide level of the results of school districts’ tests for lead in their facilities’ drinking water. The preliminary analysis shows that lead was found in drinking water in school districts of all types and sizes, and in all geographic areas of the state. School districts were… Continue reading Lead in Drinking Water Results Ready for ‘Back to School’ Season

Three Questions for Elizabeth Fassman-Beck

It’s been an exciting summer for Elizabeth Fassman-Beck, associate professor in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Ocean Engineering at Stevens Institute of Technology. Fassman-Beck, a leading expert on green roofs and co-author of Living Roofs in Integrated Urban Water Systems, is overseeing the construction of a Living Laboratory for green infrastructure (GI) research. The… Continue reading Three Questions for Elizabeth Fassman-Beck

One Water Delegation Finds Insights, Inspiration for New Jersey

Seeking strategies to improve water management in New Jersey, members of Jersey Water Works led a 24-person delegation to the US Water Alliance’s One Water Summit, June 27 to 29 in New Orleans. Representing a wide range of water infrastructure professionals and advocates, the delegation explored ways to build public and political will for investments… Continue reading One Water Delegation Finds Insights, Inspiration for New Jersey

Three New Jersey Cities Use Citizen-Powered Initiatives to Tackle Stormwater Runoff

In New Jersey, our oldest cities and towns are facing a crisis.  Dense development, roads and parking lots mean that there are few natural areas to absorb stormwater runoff, and climate change has intensified precipitation events.  The result- cities across the state are susceptible to major flooding, sometimes after even modest rain events.  The problem… Continue reading Three New Jersey Cities Use Citizen-Powered Initiatives to Tackle Stormwater Runoff

CSO+ Field Guide Kick-Starts Project Brainstorming

On March 8, the New Jersey Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Permittee Network convened to share lessons and to brainstorm ideas for the future of stormwater management across the state. Held at the North Hudson Sewerage Authority, the meeting included a multimodal CSO+ workshop on “Unlocking Untapped Resources for Addressing CSOs” led by re:focus partners, as well as a… Continue reading CSO+ Field Guide Kick-Starts Project Brainstorming


The Crisis in Our Pipes: Lead in Drinking Water

Parsippany. Trenton. Englewood Hospital. These are just the latest communities in New Jersey to show signs of the statewide crisis in drinking water infrastructure. In search of solutions, co-chairs Sen. Linda Greenstein and Asm. John McKeon have re-convened the Joint Legislative Task Force on Drinking Water Infrastructure, which first met in November 2016. This hearing… Continue reading The Crisis in Our Pipes: Lead in Drinking Water


The Numbers Behind New Jersey’s Leaking Water Systems

Photo: This water main break in Hoboken on December 1 slows traffic on Willow Avenue approaching the Lincoln Tunnel. Marisa Iati, NJ Advance Media for NJ.com Every water system leaks.  But residents of Newton in Sussex County, New Jersey, got an especially unwelcome surprise this past Thanksgiving.  A 16-inch water main break erupted from under Sparta… Continue reading The Numbers Behind New Jersey’s Leaking Water Systems
