Rain Garden by Rain Garden, Hoboken Builds Resilience

After Hurricane Sandy devastated the city of Hoboken, New Jersey, six years ago, city leaders got serious about resilience. The one-square-mile city is vulnerable to coastal and stormwater flooding for several reasons: low topography and proximity to the Hudson River; extensive impermeable ground cover; and aging sewer infrastructure. In the post-Sandy Rebuild by Design contest, the international architecture… Continue reading Rain Garden by Rain Garden, Hoboken Builds Resilience

New Model Ordinance Will Help Reduce Polluted Runoff in New Jersey

A new model ordinance will help New Jersey communities curb harmful stormwater runoff that pollutes local waterways and contributes to urban flooding. The model ordinance is a new “action” promoted by Sustainable Jersey, a nonprofit organization that provides tools and training to support communities as they pursue sustainability goals. Under Sustainable Jersey’s sustainability certification program, municipalities undertake… Continue reading New Model Ordinance Will Help Reduce Polluted Runoff in New Jersey

Reconnecting to the Water at the One Water Summit

One Water, One Future. That was the theme of the 2018 One Water Summit, hosted in Minneapolis by the U.S. Water Alliance from July 10-12. For the third consecutive year, Jersey Water Works led a delegation from New Jersey at the summit, and with a total of 34 delegates, this year’s was the largest delegation… Continue reading Reconnecting to the Water at the One Water Summit

Combined Sewer Permit Holders Meet Report Deadline

New Jersey municipalities with combined sewer systems just got a little closer to reducing the amount of raw sewage being dumped into our waterways. July 1, 2018, marked the end of the first three years of the combined sewer overflow (CSO) permits that were issued to 21 municipalities and four utilities by the New Jersey… Continue reading Combined Sewer Permit Holders Meet Report Deadline

Eleven Great One Water Ideas From the Jersey Water Works Membership Meeting

One Water: the idea that all water, regardless of source or use, has value and should be managed as one cycle looking across economic, social, and ecosystem needs to deliver multiple benefits. This was the topic of discussion at Jersey Water Works’ July 19 annual membership meeting. Led by longtime Jersey Water Works member Chris… Continue reading Eleven Great One Water Ideas From the Jersey Water Works Membership Meeting

What’s Next for Jersey Water Works Committees?

New Jersey’s summer has been filled with the kind of hot, humid days that just scream for slowing down, finding a shady spot, and sipping an ice cold beverage. Yet in the (well air-conditioned) rooms at the Robert Wood Johnson Conference Center in Hamilton, Jersey Water Works’ committees were doing anything but slowing down. Members… Continue reading What’s Next for Jersey Water Works Committees?

New Report Highlights Green Infrastructure Financing Opportunities

The New Jersey Water Bank provides very favorable financing for for green infrastructure related to CSO abatement projects. So why is gaining access to this financing sometimes a challenge? New Jersey Future’s new analysis, A Review of New Jersey Water Bank Financing for Green Infrastructure Projects, addresses this question. The report emphasizes the importance of the… Continue reading New Report Highlights Green Infrastructure Financing Opportunities

Expert Opinions: Interview with Andy Kricun, Camden County MUA

Q: How has CCMUA changed its approach to water and wastewater management over the years? A: Traditionally, the goal of a utility has been to “meet the permit” where water has to be treated to minimize the level pollutants to a certain permissible level. Permit compliance was the ceiling of accomplishment and aspiration. At CCMUA we look… Continue reading Expert Opinions: Interview with Andy Kricun, Camden County MUA

Water Infrastructure a Major Topic at Assembly’s Budget Hearing for DEP

Water infrastructure dominated New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Acting Commissioner Catherine McCabe’s testimony during the Assembly Budget Committee’s hearing on the agency’s spending blueprint. Lawmakers quizzed McCabe on the state and complexity of the problem, as well as on plans to address it through asset management and other steps recommended by the Joint Legislative… Continue reading Water Infrastructure a Major Topic at Assembly’s Budget Hearing for DEP

Water Infrastructure Funding Included in Omnibus Spending Bill

In response to the threat of a federal government shutdown, Congress passed a massive $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill which was signed by President Trump on March 23. The spending measure will fund the federal government to Sept. 30, 2018, and increases military and domestic spending for federal fiscal year 2018. Of interest to Jersey… Continue reading Water Infrastructure Funding Included in Omnibus Spending Bill