Build streets for everyone with this new model policy

Many streets act as barriers. Cars speed through multiple lanes, endangering pedestrians and bicyclists. Wide expanses of asphalt — often with inadequate sidewalks — mar downtowns and discourage foot traffic. Paved roads prevent rainwater from soaking into the ground, resulting in stormwater runoff that pollutes waterways. But we can design our landscape differently. Streets can… Continue reading Build streets for everyone with this new model policy


Fight flooding and pollution with the updated Green Infrastructure Municipal Toolkit

Have you seen the award-winning Green Infrastructure Municipal Toolkit? The Green Infrastructure Municipal Toolkit is perfect for community leaders who want to manage stormwater sustainably, reduce localized flooding, and improve water quality. When NJDEP adopts stormwater rule amendments later this year that require the use of green infrastructure, the Toolkit will be an especially valuable… Continue reading Fight flooding and pollution with the updated Green Infrastructure Municipal Toolkit


Like learning to talk again: Jersey Water Works Membership Meeting Highlights

Jersey Water Works is a collaborative: many people with many perspectives coming together around a central goal of improving our state’s water infrastructure for all New Jerseyans. It was especially fitting that over 100 Jersey Water Works members attended the collaborative’s fourth annual membership meeting in Camden, NJ — a city that embodies the same… Continue reading Like learning to talk again: Jersey Water Works Membership Meeting Highlights

Manny Teodoro Writes About the Water Quality Accountability Act

Manny Teodoro, Texas A&M Associate Professor, writes an opinion piece on the Water Quality Accountability Act (WQAA). In the post, he discusses how the WQAA may provoke fear from those who don’t want to be responsible for, or pay for, water rate increases, but has the ability to “transform the politics of drinking water.” He… Continue reading Manny Teodoro Writes About the Water Quality Accountability Act

Reports on Potential Solutions from CSO Permit Holders Require Local Input

The statewide coalition comprises a number of JWW member organizations and it helps to advance the collaborative’s shared goals. For more information, please visit the Sewage-Free Streets and Rivers campaign website. All of the Development and Evaluation of Alternatives reports that were submitted to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) on July 1, 2019 have been… Continue reading Reports on Potential Solutions from CSO Permit Holders Require Local Input

A Call to Action: We Can Take Back the Tap, One Municipality at a Time!

Older cities and towns throughout New Jersey and the nation are facing a public health crisis – lead in drinking water. The most common source of lead in tap water is from the lead service line (LSL, curb to the home), lead solder at pipe joints and faucets. The most protective remedy is to fully… Continue reading A Call to Action: We Can Take Back the Tap, One Municipality at a Time!

At Convention, Builders Take Interest in Green Infrastructure

Why does green infrastructure make good business sense in private-sector projects? Two experts explain why in a new video produced by New Jersey Future. George Vallone, founder and chief executive officer of Hoboken Brownstone Company, and Jeromie Lange, engineer and senior principal at Maser Consulting, make several convincing arguments about the business sense and overall return on… Continue reading At Convention, Builders Take Interest in Green Infrastructure

Municipalities get boost from major federal water legislation

Following years of advocacy, bipartisan sponsorship, as well as House and Senate support, the administration signed the Water Infrastructure Improvement Act amending the Clean Water Act on January 14, 2019. A progressive move, considering the recent efforts to repeal the 2015 definition of the Waters of the United States rule and revise it, narrowing the definition of… Continue reading Municipalities get boost from major federal water legislation


Camden Stormwater Management and Resource Training Initiative

The New Jersey One Water Awards honor projects that demonstrate great water management. Winners illustrate the One Water ideal by valuing and making use of all water, whether it’s drinking water, stormwater, or wastewater. The awards program is sponsored by five organizations: American Water Resources Association’s New Jersey section, American Water Works Association’s New Jersey section,… Continue reading Camden Stormwater Management and Resource Training Initiative