Jersey WaterCheck: A tool to help you be informed about your water system

Jersey WaterCheck was created by Jersey Water Works (JWW) to tell the story of our state’s water and water infrastructure needs. One of JWW’s goals is to promote transparency and to empower stakeholders, including customers, to be more engaged in decision-making surrounding water, which is why Jersey WaterCheck is designed to bring key facts, data,… Continue reading Jersey WaterCheck: A tool to help you be informed about your water system


Statement from Jersey Water Works Co-Chairs on New Jersey Governor’s FY 2022 Budget Address

Jersey Water Works Co-Chairs Jane Kenny and Mark Mauriello released the following statement on New Jersey Governor Murphy’s FY 2022 Budget Address: “After a bleak year that challenged us all in ways we could have never anticipated, Jersey Water Works applauds Governor Murphy’s proposed budget allocation of $60 million for the Drinking Water and Clean… Continue reading Statement from Jersey Water Works Co-Chairs on New Jersey Governor’s FY 2022 Budget Address


A Major Milestone for Jersey Water Works: Submission of the CSO Long Term Control Plans

Combined sewer overflows (CSOs) refer to the mix of sewage and stormwater that pollutes waterways during rain events and can cause sewer backups into basements and streets. This issue, caused by combined sewer systems, has long plagued 21 of New Jersey’s municipalities. In 2015, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) issued 25 permits… Continue reading A Major Milestone for Jersey Water Works: Submission of the CSO Long Term Control Plans


Op-Ed: Workable solutions to the replacement of lead service lines in NJ

JWW Lead in Drinking Water Task Force chair Chris Daggett says that we cannot expose another generation of children to the scourge of lead from drinking water. There are two solutions that are both practical and efficient if public officials are committed to addressing the problem. The first is found in water rates, the second… Continue reading Op-Ed: Workable solutions to the replacement of lead service lines in NJ


Conference Highlights: Racial Equity, Collaboration, and Resilience as Themes

Water work has continued despite the pandemic. The pandemic has highlighted just how essential access to clean water really is. Despite the challenges of 2020, Jersey Water Works members continued to lead the way in advancing New Jersey water infrastructure goals. These advances were highlighted during the Jersey Water Works sixth annual conference, held virtually… Continue reading Conference Highlights: Racial Equity, Collaboration, and Resilience as Themes


Want Clean Water Included in New Federal Spending Plan? Sign on by Jan. 15

Jersey Water Works members, your voices are needed to amplify water infrastructure as a federal priority. Large infrastructure investments are under consideration in Washington, D.C. including a lame duck omnibus spending package and initiatives in the next Congress and Biden administration next year. Will clean water be included?  And, if so, will Jersey Water Works’… Continue reading Want Clean Water Included in New Federal Spending Plan? Sign on by Jan. 15

Greening the Garden State: These Three Towns Show You How!

Green streets aren’t just for big cities like Philadelphia. They can help smaller cities like Camden and Hoboken and towns like Highland Park to meet flooding and stormwater challenges while providing community benefits. Camden, Hoboken, and Highland Park chose to use green streets strategies because they protect public health, improve water quality, manage stormwater runoff,… Continue reading Greening the Garden State: These Three Towns Show You How!

What’s in your water? A new dashboard will help you find out.

Public health connects us all. This is never more true than during a pandemic. One of the most important public health successes of the past century is advances in sanitation and water treatment, on which we rely daily and yet it remains invisible. In our current pandemic, clean water to wash our hands and stay… Continue reading What’s in your water? A new dashboard will help you find out.

JWW members prioritize collaboration, communication, and engagement at Membership Meeting

“Since early 2020, a lot has changed. We can’t go to a show. We can’t go to a ball game. We can’t go to a concert. We’ve given up shaking hands. But one thing that we have been able to do is turn on our taps and have water and flush out toilets. The water… Continue reading JWW members prioritize collaboration, communication, and engagement at Membership Meeting

Newark’s Lead Service Line Replacement Program is a Model for the Nation

Newark, New Jersey’s largest city, is home to 282,000 residents who are served by the City’s water system. In June 2017, testing revealed 22% of 129 samples of the City’s water exceeded the federal limit for lead. Since more than 10% of samples exceeded the federal threshold, the City had to inform its residents. As… Continue reading Newark’s Lead Service Line Replacement Program is a Model for the Nation