Green Acres and Green Infrastructure

The Green Acres and Green Infrastructure report from Jersey Water Works’ Green Infrastructure Committee recommends ways for New Jersey Green Acres Program to allow green stormwater infrastructure in existing parks.  To prepare, the committee sought and received input from Jersey Water Works members.  

Wasted: How to Fix America’s Sewers

This report highlights how low-income households are affected by the costs of fixing combined sewer overflows. It also recommends strategies to help cities pay for the federally mandated improvements to these systems.

Climate Change Adaptation in the Water Supply Sector

This white paper provides an overview of anticipated climate change implications for water supply, and provides a range of possible management responses including planning and physical mitigation projects. Authored by Jersey Water Works Steering Committee member Daniel J. Van Abs.

Water Infrastructure that Works for Cities: Best Practices and Considerations for Preparing Long Term Control Plans to Control Combined Sewer Overflows

This white paper draws upon best practices from across the country to provide New Jersey’s CSO communities with smart solutions that employ innovation, reduce costs, and deliver tangible benefits that build community support. Prepared for New Jersey Future. 2015. View the Water Infrastructure that Works for Cities presentation that was given at a NJ Future… Continue reading Water Infrastructure that Works for Cities: Best Practices and Considerations for Preparing Long Term Control Plans to Control Combined Sewer Overflows

Hoboken Green Infrastructure Strategic Plan

This 2013 plan recommends the most effective types of green infrastructure projects for the city of Hoboken, based on a strategic analysis of soil conditions, land uses, cost and other factors. Recommendations for implementation are included.

Facing Our Future: Infrastructure Investments Necessary for Economic Success

This 2013 report presents the long-term needs and required infrastructure investments in the areas of electric power, transportation and water systems. The report provides a fact-based, analysis-driven opportunity to understand and explore realistic ways in which New Jersey can spur economic development – and economic success – through infrastructure investments.

An Agenda For Change

This white paper from New Jersey Future summarizes the outcome of a 2014 gathering on water infrastructure, including guiding principles for improving urban water infrastructure, drivers for action and a set of action steps to stimulate progress.