Access to clean and safe drinking water is important for the health and safety of all individuals in New Jersey, and has been a national priority since Congress passed the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974. As there is no safe level for lead exposure, water systems in New Jersey are working to meet the… Continue reading Let’s Get the Lead Out of Our Drinking Water: Key Information that NJ Local Officials Need and Want to Know
Type: Reports & Recommendations
Lead Service Line Replacement Implementation Workshop Recap and Resources
The Lead Service Line Replacement (LSLR) Implementation Workgroup of Jersey Water Works’ Lead in Drinking Water Task Force partnered with the New Jersey Water Association on Tuesday, June 22, 2022, to offer guidance to NJ Water Systems Operators on the implementation the New Jersey statute (P.L. 2021, c.183) enacted on July 22, 2022. Over 160… Continue reading Lead Service Line Replacement Implementation Workshop Recap and Resources
Stormwater Skills: Training Resources for Green Infrastructure Construction and Maintenance
The Green Infrastructure Committee created the green infrastructure training program inventory to inform municipalities, professionals, and others interested in green infrastructure to identify suitable training programs to fit specific needs. The ultimate goal of this inventory is to help New Jersey residents find training programs that could help them begin, or otherwise further, a career… Continue reading Stormwater Skills: Training Resources for Green Infrastructure Construction and Maintenance
Procurement Toolkit Draft for Request for Qualifications (RFQ)
This document provides a draft scope for an RFQ that would identify consultants who have the requisite expertise to administer either individual aspects or the entirety of the federal and state Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR), including a lead service line (LSL) replacement program, on behalf of participating water utilities in New Jersey.
Alternative Procurement Options for Lead Service Line Replacement
State legislation enacted in July 2021 requires water utilities in New Jersey to replace lead service lines (LSLs) within 10 years (i.e., by 2031). Under the best of circumstances, state and federal aid will likely fall far short of the estimated statewide cost of $2.3 billion and, as water utilities seek to perform the work… Continue reading Alternative Procurement Options for Lead Service Line Replacement
Model Ordinance: Access to Private Property
This model ordinance authorizing public access to private property for the sole purpose of replacing a lead service line (LSL) was drafted from several sources, including the existing law enacted by the City of Newark, NJ. It is meant to convey some of the key elements that should be considered for such an ordinance, which… Continue reading Model Ordinance: Access to Private Property
Fifth Liter Sampling: EPA’s Newly-Mandated Technique for Sampling Lead in Drinking Water
In 2022, New Jersey’s Department of Environmental Protection will release its own LCRR proposal which is likely to address how fifth liter sampling will be implemented in New Jersey. This report explains the differences between the most common methods of water sampling and clarifies some of the questions clean water advocates may have about implementation… Continue reading Fifth Liter Sampling: EPA’s Newly-Mandated Technique for Sampling Lead in Drinking Water
DEP Commissioner LaTourette Written Testimony to the Senate Budget Committee
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Shawn LaTourette shared public written testimony with the Senate Budget Committee. The testimony highlights ‘Water Infrastructure Investments and Accountability’ as his first priority.
Jersey Water Works Comments on the Proposed Clean Water SRF and Drinking Water SRF Intended Use Plans for SFY23
The Jersey Water Works Asset Management and Finance Committee submitted comments to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection on the proposed Intended Use Plans (IUPs). The IUPs establish the policies and priorities of the New Jersey Water Bank, which administers New Jersey’s State Revolving Fund.
Planning for Our Future: Effects of Climate Change on CSOs
The Jersey Water Works (JWW) Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Committee recognizes that CSO permittees, communities, and stakeholders know that climate change can harm our sewer infrastructure but may struggle with how to plan for it. Major weather events like Hurricane Henri and Tropical Storm Ida have raised awareness that many parts of our current sewer… Continue reading Planning for Our Future: Effects of Climate Change on CSOs