This 2015 report summarizes results from EPA’s green infrastructure technical assistance program for cities, communities and citizens who want to learn from the experiences of others and find the best solutions for their unique challenges. It’s a quick reference guide that matches problems with real-world, tested solutions.
Type: Guides & Toolkits
Green Infrastructure Designs: Scalable Solution to Local Challenges
This practical toolkit, which features scalable tools and design templates, was created by the Delta Institute to help municipal managers and decision-makers begin the process of exploring and implementing green infrastructure.
Model RFP for New Jersey Combined Sewer Overflow Long Term Control Plan Consultant
This model RFP includes a scope of services and consultant evaluation criteria, and is intended to enable a CSO permittee or regional collaboration of permittees to hire the professionals needed to develop a successful long term control plan — one that meets regulatory requirements in a cost-effective manner while maximizing benefits to the community. Prepared… Continue reading Model RFP for New Jersey Combined Sewer Overflow Long Term Control Plan Consultant
Mixed Use Water Infrastructure | Hoboken, New Jersey
This Spring 2012 report presents potential green and gray infrastructure design strategies developed to determine the appropriate combinations of green and grey infrastructure based upon cost, social impact, and magnitude of desired flood prevention for the City of Hoboken.
Best Management Practices Plan for the Operation and Maintenance of the Combined Sewer, Separate Sanitary Sewer and Separate Stormwater Systems
This document presents industry-accepted standards that a well-run utility uses to operate and maintain its combined sewer system, separate sanitary sewer system, and separate stormwater system. Camden County Municipal Utilities Authority. 2014.