Wow Your Town: Four Fact Sheets for Green Infrastructure Champions

The Green Infrastructure Committee created four fact sheets to help local advocates promote green infrastructure in their towns. Each fact sheet is unique for a specific audience in mind: general population, environmental experts, transportation specialists, or school stakeholders.

Open Space, Flood Protection, and Pollutant Trapping: Unlocking the Potential of the Green Acres and Blue Acres Programs to Support Green Infrastructure

The Jersey Water Works Green Infrastructure (GI) Committee encourages the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) Green Acres and Blue Acres programs, which convert floodprone properties into open space, to incorporate green infrastructure into their final design plans. The GI Committee’s Green Acres Subcommittee developed this document to showcase four successful Green Acres and… Continue reading Open Space, Flood Protection, and Pollutant Trapping: Unlocking the Potential of the Green Acres and Blue Acres Programs to Support Green Infrastructure

Stormwater Utilities Can Incentivize Green Infrastructure

Stormwater runoff in New Jersey often causes flood damage to properties, compromises public safety, and pollutes waterways. Green infrastructure (GI) can mitigate these impacts by infiltrating stormwater onsite (allowing it to drain into the ground), while providing environmental, economic, and community benefits. New Jersey localities can now consider implementing stormwater utilities, which can incentivize and… Continue reading Stormwater Utilities Can Incentivize Green Infrastructure

New Jersey Green Streets: Planning Green Streets

Green infrastructure is one solution many communities are employing to maximize community benefits, including reduced flooding and improved water quality, local economies, community health, and long-term resilience. Specifically, green streets are an effective solution to tackle both water and transportation infrastructure issues. This chapter includes information on the goal setting and community education that can… Continue reading New Jersey Green Streets: Planning Green Streets

New Jersey Green Streets: Funding Green Streets

Green infrastructure is one solution many communities are employing to maximize community benefits, including reduced flooding and improved water quality, local economies, community health, and long-term resilience. Specifically, green streets are an effective solution to tackle both water and transportation infrastructure issues. This chapter includes information on funding both capital costs and operations and maintenance… Continue reading New Jersey Green Streets: Funding Green Streets